Sozalle Character in Namkural | World Anvil


During her mortal life, Sozalle was the second oldest of the nine Lukai siblings that eventually Ascended to godhood to lead the luna sidhe. Second only to Haxyla in power, she commanded a different sort of respect -- known for her chaotic, fickle personality and the sea magic she carried. Far more capricious and vindictive than many of her siblings, she was not content with playing second fiddle to her older sister after the end of the Sidhen-Orcish Wars. Along with her younger brother, Nalkalos, she retreated into the sea to explore her newfound status as a deity and reshape the Yerenthi seas into the form they now take.   Known as the mother of sea monsters, which she bore from her incestuous relationship with her brother, Sozalle has only grown more 'inhuman', vengeful, and violent with time. Those who do not seek out her favor are doomed to feel her wrath, making "superstitions" about her a very real part of Vendramyran society. No ship will sail its waters without a mated berserker-sea witch pair on board, as to do so is to invite disaster. Arguably, because of the luna sidhen relationship with the sea, she now occupies an even more prominent place in their pantheon than Haxyla, the original leader of the Lukai family. According to luna sidhe, Sozalle is the sea -- and for a race that lives and dies by the whims of the water, angering her is a dangerous prospect. Particularly since her Chosen, her agents, and even Sozalle or Nalkalos themselves may appear to dispense justice for any perceived slight.   As such, all luna sidhe worship her, and even other races living in Vendramyr must pay homage to her. Ships will not sail if a sea witch has not cleared them. Certain ports are favored or avoided depending on whether they appear to be enjoying Sozalle's favor. Shrines and temples to her proliferate throughout the country, especially near the water, and arguably the most powerful nation on Namkural turns upon whether or not their sea goddess is in a good mood or a bad one.
Pale grey, almost silver
Long, black, and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white with blueish undertones

Cover image: Painting of Grey Tree Branches by Trevor Cole


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