Ghostwalk Condition in Namkural | World Anvil


Owing to their biological resistance to poisons and genetic predisposition to processing intoxicants well, the kitsune of Riyukurae are infamous on Namkural for partaking of illicit substances more than any other species. To many others on the plane, the substances they use recreationally are highly addictive and dangerous. Especially with the increased potencies at which the kitsune imbibe these things, overdose is common for those who visit their nation and are unaware of this quirk. Most Riyukuran cuisine, whether food or drink, is laced with some kind of additive -- and food prepared without these extras must be specifically requested.   One of the most dangerous drugs the kitsune use, however, is known as oshimu. The base drug is cultivated from a plant that only grows in Riyukurae's border forest, and the dried leaves are then dipped in a substance fermented from mushrooms grown in the same location. Oshimu is considered nearly a ritualistic drug to the kitsune, as using it allows them to communicate with the spirits that live in the haunted forest. To members of their species, the drug simply deepens their connection to the spirits inhabiting the plane and otherwise produces a mild euphoria or distortion of reality. Among them, oshimu is most commonly burned as an incense or sometimes smoked in kiseru or rolling papers.   For other fae or humans, however, oshimu is a powerful drug that produces intense feelings of euphoria, reality distortion, and hallucinogenic effects. Used recreationally in this way, it is most commonly smoked from a pipe or as a cigarette. While not highly physically addictive, it does commonly produce a psychological dependence due to the sensations of the high and the perceived increased connection to the world at large.   Ghostwalk, then, is a condition that affects non-kitsune users of oshimu who partake too frequently. With increased exposure, oshimu produces a bizarre physical and magical effect: the flesh takes on a nearly translucent appearance, as though the user is partly incorporeal. This symptom typically begins in the extremities and fades inward toward the center of the body. The longer someone partakes of the drug, the greater this symptom becomes as the soul begins to lose its tether to the physical form. Extreme psychosis has been reported in long-term patience, including complete breaks with reality and persistent hallucinations. Essentially, oshimu can drive non-kitsune mad. But the true danger lies in the state of the soul -- as its anchor in the material plane weakens, the individual becomes increasingly open to possession by opportunistic spirits or demons. Most who do not perish in a fit of madness will end their lives possessed, at best held 'hostage' in their own bodies by whatever has claimed their form and, at worst, consumed by a parasitic passenger who feeds on their life force before jumping to another.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Painting of Grey Tree Branches by Trevor Cole


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