The Kae Ethnicity in Namarie | World Anvil
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The Kae

The people of Kaechaek have a tough upbringing and life within their own home. Living in the unpredictable wastes and directly above the underdark makes life a hard battle every step of the way. With the opening of the Varne academy this life has been become slightly easier but the fight continues despite this.   Their mindset is either one of hardiness and a savage nihilistic aspect of the world or they take on the more thoughtful aspects of life around them and find meaning and superstition where some would hopelessness and danger. This leads to the people of Kaechaek either being the loudest pessimists or the quietest optimists in Namarie.   Their survival skills and combat prowess is trained from a young age and this makes the people of Kaechaek uniquely skilled adventurers and mercenaries though their love of their tough homeland and their community there makes the thought of leaving home to adventure a very difficult one to justify.   RACIAL ABILITY: The people of Kaechaek have taught themselves to survive one way or another and so are far harder to be broken by tough conditions and travel. As a Kae you have advantage on saving throws against exhaustion (though this does not apply to the sickening radiance spell).
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