Desert Angler Species in Namarie | World Anvil
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Desert Angler

Desert Angler

Large to Gargantuan nocta mori/beast,
Armor Class: 14
Hit Points: 135
Speed: 10 ft , burrow: 25 ft


24 +7


6 -2


15 +2


1 -5


1 -5


18 +4

Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant, cold, necrotic, psychic, silver
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, slashing and piercing from weapons
Damage Immunities: Bludgeoning, slashing and piercing from non-magical weapons
Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhausted, paralysed
Senses: The creature has a moderately sensitive tremor sense.
Languages: All Languages it's lure knew


  • Multiattack: The Angler makes one bite and one Lure shot attack.
  • Bite- +7 to hit, one target, 1d8+7 damage on a hit: A creature hit by a bite attack must make A dc14 athletics or acrobatics check or be grappled and swallowed by the desert angler. A creature swallowed by the angler is blinded, deafened and restrained.   At the start of the angler's turn a creature takes 4d4 acid damage is inside the angler.
  • Lure shot- 120ft range, +5 to hit, One target, 1d10+3 force damage on a hit. A creature hit by lure shot must succeed on a DC13 Wisdom saving throw or use it's reaction to dash towards the angler by the most direct possible route.

A large angler fish that has been sand roughened and tanned by the sun. Resides in the sunny desert weather of southern  Kaechaek and hunts by using it's lure to draw in unsuspecting travelers... a desert angler is a realisation caused by dreams of drowning in sand.

Suggested Environments

It lives in typically sunny and hot deserts or spaces filled with an abundance of sand to fuel the nightmares and dreams that lead to it's inception.

  The desert angler is a creature that resides in the southern deserts of Kaechaek and uses a lure to trick adventurers and travellers into falling into it's trap. 
Desert angler's are born from either dreams of comfort in sand-filled deserts or from nightmares of being crushed by sand. 
When a desert angler eats a creature, it absorbs it's memories and mannerisms and the creature takes the desert angler's place as a lure for other adventurers.


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