Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon Character in Nainoxia | World Anvil

Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon

Eldest Dragon Bahamut (a.k.a. King of the Metallic Dragons, Justicemaker, The Platinum Dragon)

After the divine seal was put in place, the Elder Dragons were the most powerful creatures in Nainoxia. However, after the Drakonic Wars, as the Elder Dragons left the material plane, the eldest of the metallic dragons, recognising the scale of the threat that an incursion from another plane or deity would pose, and the lack of direct help from any deity to the world, the eldest remaining Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold and Silver Dragons used the last 12th level spell cast in the material plane to fuse their essences and create Bahamut, The First and only Platinum Dragon. With the combined knowledge and power of the 5 Dragons, Bahamut decided to aid the world as best he could, and used his ability to transform into a mortal to study and examine the mortals and in time created an organisation to protect them from evil in Nuashal, called The Metallic Order.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Bahamut has the ability to take the form of a mortal, and uses it to study the mortal world and make sure he knows the conditions that mortals live in, never becoming detached from those he protects.
Aligned Organization