Nameless Ponderer Character in Nailara | World Anvil

Nameless Ponderer

The Nameless Ponderer is a cleric of Cezlios who resides in Northern Usmina.   Despite its name, the cleric was once a elven woman named Daefiel, who long studied in the Great Forest and Usmina on the nature of identity. She wrote several treatises on the existence of demon's True Names, whether gods may have them as well, and why - as far as she could tell - humans did not. The books were well regarded in philosophical circles, but largely deemed unnecessary in arcane research.   In 3953 EC, she prayed to the god Cezlios to aid her on her pursuit of knowledge. A surprise even to her, he answered. Her ascendance into a cleric of Cezlios transformed her into the creature now known as the Nameless Ponderer.   The Nameless Ponderer still resides in Northern Usmina, and is well tended to by the locals. Though not nearly at the same rate as prior to transformation, it has written several more philosophical texts. Though their authorship is not formally signed on the text, those who print it for the Ponderer are sure to inform those who wrote it.