Vistani Ethnicity in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


An ethnic subgroup of Njortan distinguished physically by shorter stature, and rounder features. They are spiritual in nature choosing to live with the land rather than from it and tend closer towards a nomadic lifestyle. Their practice is more oriented toward living off the land and take on a more festive jolly nature than their Njortan counterparts. Vistani are descended from Njortan settlers who had an early encounter with fey. They do not fear the wilderness like many other Njortans, choosing instead to live within its depths. Using learnt secrets and fey pacts to survive. Vistani have a predisposition to nature based magics.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Britannia, Charity, Clementina, Drina, Esmeralda, Ethelinda, Florence, Gillie, Gypsy, Hester, Kezia, Lavinia, Leonora, Mahala, Malina, Margaret, Mercy, Miri, Nan, Naomie, Pamela, Patience, Penelope, Queenie, Rena, Rhoda, Roma, Sabina, Selina, Shelta, Theodosia, Trinity, Vadoma, Zina

Masculine names

Alfair, Alfonso, Bartley, Credi, Danior, Django, Duke, Ephraim, Fenix, Gallius, Hanzi, Israel, Iza, Kashi, Kaven, Lash, Leander, Llewellyn, Marik, Manfri, Menowin, Moses, Nehemiah, Neptune, Patrick, Patrin, Pyramus, Rom, Silvanus, Uriah, Vano, Windsor, Wisdom

Family names

Common one world surnames typically in the form of a profession, as opposed to family.


Major language groups and dialects

Njortan Common

Culture and cultural heritage

They are jolly, and spiritual. Often found in nomadic groups, that host carnivals. While not descended from fey, they have strong patronage with them from a history of pacts.

Shared customary codes and values

Vistani value livelihood, and energy. They don't fear the supernatural so much as they have learned to live with it. Their abundance of dealings have resulted in a sort of loose pagan polytheism. They are strong believers in aiding others, maintaining their way of life, and staying out of other peoples business.

Common Dress code

Many of jewels and trinkets woven into their cloth. Red and green are popular choice colors.

Art & Architecture

Easily taken down tents and similar structures. Occasionally taking permanent structures of the less nomadic groups they are near.

Funerary and Memorial customs

They see death as a stage. Many are simply moved to the woods to decompose followed by a lively celebration the night after.

Common Taboos

  • Do not anger a fey, or break an oath of your blood line.
  • Live without regret
  • Never linger in a place longer than a season.


Beauty Ideals

Exotic and spiritual, Vistani beauty standards are quiet diverse. Typically beauty is measured in that uniqueness.

Gender Ideals

In typical Vistani culture woman are responsible for food preparation, cleaning, fortunetelling, and are more likely to be found in begging within the borders of other ethnic cultures.   Men are responsible for construction, and trade. Vistani are a patriarchal society and men take a lead villages. However both men and woman take care of the children.

Courtship Ideals

Most courtship is cluster based. Most Vistani remain single with a family or two devoted to the child care for the entire village.
Height: 5'5" Weight: 140lbs
Height: 5'7" Weight: 158lbs
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