The Empty Geographic Location in Na'Endreth | World Anvil

The Empty

The Vast empty can simultaneously be described as the largest, and smallest thing ever to exist. It consists of an infinite expanse of vacant space maddening to any and all mortal eyes. This space is the birth place of existence and the one thing that stands between each reality. Those realities, protected by sheets of astral lining float aimlessly in the cosmos blissfully unaware of the timeless expanse of the empty. The empty itself, is home to a lost race of beings called the Obyrith, ancient beings that while not on par with the Overgods, pose a threat to their creation.


The most common feature of the Empty is in fact nothing. A void of blank space absence. Within this nothingness however resides fragmented chunks of land floating around in the nothingness. Visible from here are a multitude of spherical domes surrounded in glowing light. The realm would have no lighting were it not for the purple mist that engulfs infinitude.

Localized Phenomena

Being located outside of creation while in the Empty you are immune to any profound effect on creation. Even if it is contradictory to your existence all together. Time does not pass, and Paradoxes occur regularly. Residing here for too long can have an effect on your identity as the Empty strips away at your soul until you join the primordial force of the Wild Hunt. Every now and then the Nothingness becomes impossible and a rip occurs flooding in chaotic other worldly matter. This rarely becomes a threat to Na'Endreth thanks to the Overgods however in one instance within the Nine Hells, the arrival of Yal'Tesh caused  the Empty to leak upon the world as we know it creating the Abyss.
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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