The Standing Stones Building / Landmark in Náströnd Sagas | World Anvil
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The Standing Stones

The Standing Stones are a stone formation one day north of Lithandel. Nobody knows their origin but it is clear that it is not a natural formation. They are six stones, arranged in a circular pattern. Each stone differs in height. Each stone opposite to another stone has the same height, meaning there are stones with 3 different heights in total.   This landmark makes for a good point of reference while navigating. Some people also say that resting here will leave anybody sleeping in the circle with a feeling of invigoration for one day.

Purpose / Function

Their true purpose is unknown but are used as a reference point for any travellers travelling up north.

Special Properties

When resting inside the circle the people sleeping inside the circle will gain the Boon of the Standing Stones, which will surely make their travel a little easier.
Parent Location


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