Verbera Geographic Location in Myzelis | World Anvil


The island Realm of Verbera is a massive place, an over 700 by 300 mile land mass of temperate forest and marshland. This oppressive wilderness is home to innumerable creatures that call the island home, many of which are unique to Verbera. Towards the edges of the island are coastal cities that contain most of the population, with the de facto capital of Sydathria boasting a population of over 20,000 people and serving as home to persons from all across Myzelis. The other major cities of Verbera are located further south, where the colder weather limits the number of active carnivores.   Most native humanoids of Verbera are nocturnal, such as the dark elves known as nevae, deep gnomes known as nim, and gray dwarves known as mault, while the diurnal gith and lizardfolk have a smaller presence. Of course, this is excluding those born under the influence of external forces, with aasimar, genasi, kalashtar, shifters, and tieflings are not uncommon in more heavily populated areas. In addition, visiting centaurs, eladrin, and satyrs from the Feywild are a fairly common occurrence.   With the countless dangers roaming the woods and cities, many would never consider travelling to Verbera. However, this island plays a vital role in the global community of Myzelis, supplying a large amount of lumber, ore, and precious gems to the rest of the wider world, and there are never enough laborers. In addition, Verbera is also home to the College Of Expanded Arcana, a center of magical knowledge that has existed for the past 500 years and is working to unravel the greatest magical mysteries, such as why arcana magics have a more limited ability to return the dead to life.
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