The Master in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Master

The Master was an interloping demonic fiend from another world who claimed the title of Gylidder Inaethri of Chaotic Evil Death and Undeath from the Inaethrite Era until Falka, 0 AE, when their mantle was usurped by the Shrike of Hsira.   At the height of their power, the Master was responsible for the fall of the realm of Hsarova into utter ruin in 2472 AI, building a city state known only as Hsar upon its bones. Like an unholy beacon, the city of Hsar attracted evil beings from across all of the Realms of Myzelis, and served as the greatest existential threat to not only Gylidd, but also the Ley Line network connecting all Realms, for over 800 years. In 3210 AI, the Gylidder Guard, Navy, and Curio - three branches of its military that had never before left their home island - sailed to Hsar and blasted it from existence, rendering the city a ruin and chasing its survivors into the Brume.   The army of the Hsarran Remnant fled back to Gylidd, where they finished off the last remnants of the grand Gylidder force that had pursued them, took over a subterranean Xhogumal enclave known as Erromoduja. At the Master's bidding, the Hsarrans slaughtered their elders and earth priests, and spent 300 years replacing the goblinoids' faith with veneration for the Master himself. Then, with the aid of Irethan - known then as a fiendish firbolg wizard called the Architect - the Master set about re-creating the glory of Hsarul in a sprawling, subterranean dungeon complex that lasted from 3211 AI until 3518 AI, when it was annihilated by the ancient Brume Beast Vechsardoum.   The Master met their own end in the winter of 0 AE, when the Chimes of the The Wrenjers of Gylidd cleared his evil temples and destroyed him. During this final battle, the Master was in the process of seizing control of the Ley Lines of Myzelis by perfecting the powers of Ley Vampirism invented by then-Advocate of Gylidd Amrith Hogaine, but the destruction of his artifact - the Wand of the Master - foiled his ability to maintain control and his demise followed shortly thereafter.   The Master, whose true name was unknown, believed that death was the natural state of all things, and that the only true life is undeath.   He was also known as the Demon of the Pit, the Lightcrusher, and the One True Lord of Death. He was commonly depicted as a massive winged humanoid with goat legs, horns, batlike wings, and a great club capped with a horned skull.   The Master was Chaotic Evil.   When they were an Inaethri, their primary domain was Death, and secondary domains were Arcana, Forge, and Trickery.