Orlewynd Settlement in Myzelis | World Anvil


Known as the City of Sails, this harbor town is built around an extensive series of dry and wet docks meant for the crafting, maintenance, and deployment of the Gylidder Navy. Half of this city exists above the surface and the other half below the docks, where amphibious and aquatic aethrin dwell and practice their own craft of submarine ships propelled by magic or drawn through the water like wagons or chariots by tamed marine fauna. Orlewynd’s origins extend thousands of years before the founding of Gylidd Syn Aethri, when this city was little more than a fishing village of more boats than buildings. Orlewynd’s architecture is highly vertical, featuring tall, pointed roofs with many spires that feature colorful flags and sails as though the entire city were a single ship. Beneath the waves the aesthetic remains, although the fabrics are subject instead to the whim of the tides.
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