Forest Goblins Species in Mythus | World Anvil

Forest Goblins

Basic Information


Forest Goblins are bipedal with a pair of arms and legs they also have opposable thumbs and are hairless except for the hair on their heads, males also have facial hair.

Biological Traits

Male Forest Goblins are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Forest Goblins are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth. Forest Goblins are much smaller compared to other races such as Humans or Elves, Forest Goblins also have pointed ears that are slightly larger than than Humans but not as larges as Elves.

Genetics and Reproduction

Forest Goblins reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Forest Goblins from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Forest Goblin is considered a young adult. A Forest Goblin who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult.

Ecology and Habitats

Forest Goblins inhabit the jungles, forests and swamps of Mythus.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Forest Goblins are omnivores they procure their food by hunting and gathering or by raiding settlements, those that live with other races in settlements, such as Humans, will obtain their food the same way as the other race does.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Forest Goblins age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Forest Goblins share the same social structure as Goblins.

Facial characteristics

Forest Goblins have a pair of eyes, that are green, yellow or red, and ears with one nose and mouth, males are able to grow facial hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forest Goblins live in the jungles, forests and swamps of various continents found in Mythus.

Average Intelligence

Forest Goblins are highly intelligent as they are able to create complex technology and magic spells, however, they are more known to steal technology and magics than make it themselves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Forest Goblins use mainly sight and hearing as the primary way to perceive the world, though some Forest Goblins have magical abilities and can use magic as a sixth sense.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Forest Goblin names tend to be slightly guttural with many sharp sounds they only have a first name and use their tribes name as their last name for example Kizz Angry Sun or Slilx Blue Lightning.

Major Organizations

Forest Goblin have one major organisation that they all share, with other races, called The Global Council made up of the leaders and ambassadors of various nations, kingdoms and tribes of various races. There are various Goblin tribes that exist in Mythus, however, there are five major ones they are The Angry Sun Tribe, The Blue Lightning Tribe, The Vile Frost Clan, The Rusted Hammer Clan and The Spider Fang Tribe.

Beauty Ideals

Forest Goblin beauty ideals are based on their physical appearance and the individuals personality.

Gender Ideals

Forest Goblins treat both sexes equally and have the same rights.

Courtship Ideals

Male Forest Goblins court females by showing there skills in thieving, engineering, alchemy or by showing off their wealth.

Relationship Ideals

Forest Goblins are polygamous and form harems with an individual at the centre that is surrounded by mates, Forest Goblins are also known to take slaves as lovers and have them become apart of the harem. Both the tribe and the parents help raise and care for Forest Goblin offspring.

Average Technological Level

Goblins have an advanced level of technology, though many of their technologies they stole from other races, having invented and, as a Goblin would say, improved gobo mechs, originally Dwarven steam mechs, gobo boats, originally Human steam boats, spider walkers, mechanical spider mechs, various potions and poisons and other things. Goblin weaponry includes daggers, short swords, crossbows, poisonthrowers, which are altered Dwarven flamethrowers, guns and others, Goblin siege weaponry include catapults, cannons, ballista, poison bombs and explosives. Forest Goblins have also created paralytic bombs, bombs that release a paralysing gas, various healing potions, gobo carts, carts designed to be pulled by specific animals such as Giant Spiders or Dire Wolves, and many other things.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Forest Goblins speak their language called Garzz, Forest Goblins speak it with a dialect.

Common Etiquette Rules

Forest Goblins respect those who have a lot of wealth and those with skills in thieving, engineering and alchemy. In general Forest Goblins treat others as equals and as potential marks for whatever they have planned.

Common Dress Code

Forest Goblins wear clothes made of cloth and leather, Forest Goblins who live in settlements belonging to other races generally wear the clothing of that race.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Forest Goblin culture is based on thieving and manipulating others to get what they want, Forest Goblins are known to steal technology and magics from other races, in particular Humans, Elves and Dwarves, and as they put it improve them. Forest Goblins though intelligent are physically weak and rely on their tools or allies to protect them. Forest Goblins are proficient in alchemy making various potions, poisons and medicines, they are also skilled animal tamers. It is not uncommon for Forest Goblins to marry individuals from other races.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A common tradition in Goblin society is to steal technologies or magics from settlements belonging to other races, once stolen the Goblin is expected to make improvements on the stolen technologies and magics to show their skills to the rest of the tribe.

Common Taboos

It is forbidden to steal from or manipulate another Forest Goblin or Goblin subspecies, if broken this offence is punishable with imprisonment or exile from the tribe.


A group of Goblins, like other races, came to the world of Mythus through an event called the flash where the world suddenly came to existence filled with various races and creatures. Once arriving in the world Goblins spread across the world stealing and tricking from other races, as time went by subspecies' of Goblins were born these include Mountain Goblins, Forest Goblins, Ice Goblins and Hobgoblins. Due to Goblins stealing and tricking other races they had made some enemies of some of those races, however, they have aligned themselves with races that have similarities with them including Orcs, Trolls, Ogres and Onis to protect them from their enemies. Forest Goblins are known to tame animals such as Giant Spiders or Dire Wolves, they use these tamed animals as mounts or to pull carts, Forest Goblins also use the plants they find in jungles, forests or swamps to make poisons or medicines.

Common Myths and Legends

There are various Forest Goblins myths and legends across nations and/or cultures, however, one myth that all Forest Goblins, and other races, share is The Flash.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Forest Goblins generally see other races as targets for them to steal from or manipulate, the few races Forest Goblins have a friendly relation with include Orcs, Trolls, Ogres and Onis.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Barbareus gobo forest
100 years
Average Height
91.5 cm for females 105 cm for males
Average Weight
24.5 to 35 kg for females 32.5 to 47 kg for males
Average Physique
The average Forest Goblin physique is small and thin, however, their physique can vary from being fatter or leaner.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Forest Goblins skin tone come in various shades of green ranging from dark to light. Forest Goblins hair colour varies from green, red, black and blonde.


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