FRE class engines Technology / Science in myths of the other side | World Anvil
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FRE class engines

Fusion Reactor Engines (FRE) were first engines meant for interstellar travel and due their efficiency they were widely regarded as best solution at 2110's untill 2130's when next FRE's version evolved to use oxygen. They were the reason why FRE administration was founded, as they were quite dangerous engines if there were no regulation. They were more reliable than solar wind sails as they were independent from outsided influence, but they lost in speed for solar wind sails when closer to the star.     Oxygen Fusion Reactor Engines (OFRE) were next step for this kind of engine and it showed potential of this kind of technology. First colony ships that were sent used OFRE technology. downsides of this technology was the high temperature needed for this fusion to work, but the benefits out weighted the negatives. biggest benefit was how much more energy could be generated per metric ton. This was enough to scientists who started to develop electromagnetic shields for these spaceships.
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FRE was used as a base for OFRE engine in the start, but FRE administration regulated that they needed their own building instructions in order to avoid accidents where the base FRE wasn't able to handle of being the base for OFRE. After the new guide lines were set, complexity and price of building OFRE was reduced.
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