Spirit Deities of Odes in Mythras | World Anvil

Spirit Deities of Odes

In the beginning

  Since the start of time, spirits have roamed Odes. They were born out of the primordial liquids of creation and fought for supremacy over the developing land. It quickly became apparent that not all the spirits could control the world, so they formed an agreement. Each spirit chose its domain. Something that they alone would rule over. From the light to death, from the sky to the seas, the spirits negotiated with each other and made treaties and pacts.   However, some spirits needed to be stronger to hold the most potent domains and were bullied by the other spirits to have what they considered unimportant domains to rule over—this bred hatred and suppression. Even before humans evolved on Odes, the spirits fought, each trying to hold the most significant power and absorb the more minor spirits' domains.   But humankind brought a new challenge and power to the spirits. Worshipping individual spirits could bring them strength. No longer was it one spirit against another; the battles continued onto the material plain where followers would seek to be the most substantial cult.    

Deadly battles raged across Odes until the two most potent spirits Necrosis and Vitality came together to form the second pact of the spirits. If the struggles continued, no one would be left alive on Odes to worship and praise the spirits. So giving and combing a little of their essence, Necrosis, and Vitality formed a new spirit. The Spirit of the Great Hunt, Hounding. Every year, Hounding would facilitate a competition—an opportunity for followers to battle against each other without the bloodshed of the battles before. Hounding would bring forth a white stag and set it free on the land. The followers of the spirits would then seek out the stag, and those who found it and killed it would be the victors for that year. Of course, the spirits were allowed to support their followers, but cheating was prohibited. After catching the stag, there was great celebration as both followers and spirits enjoyed the aftermath of the hunt.


The spirits continued to reign supreme over the land until the humans started to develop. As they learnt new trades and crafts, they turned away from the land and the spirits to worship and follow new deities. As did their followers, the spirits faded until only a few remained. These are seen as outcasts, mocked as children who believe in ghosts and spirits and shunned by almost everyone.


But the spirits remain. They are providing power for their followers, knowing that time is on their side. Spirits are waiting. They watch time slip away. They are eternal, knowing that the time will come when they will rule the land once more, and Odes will be theirs

      Spirit of Life, Light and re-birth   Spirit of Death Decay and Darkness   Spirit of the Great Hunt   Spirit of Healing and Medicine   Spirit of Rivers, Lakes and Water   Spirit of the Land, Harvest and Growth   Spirit of the Sky, Storms and Weather   Spirit of War, Battles and Conflict   Spirit of the Sea, Wind and Sailing   Spirit of Malice, Destruction, Pain and Torture.


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