The Knife of Pentheus Item in Mythopoeia | World Anvil

The Knife of Pentheus

The blade hissed out, as if yearning for its freedom in the open air. Three copper rivets wedded the ivory hilt to a bronze blade, with all parts of the knife turning together as an extension of my hand. The polished metal glowed orange with the reflected embers of the hearth, cutting a sharp edge between the darkness and the light.
  Originally owned by King Pentheus of Thebai, this blade was lost at the time of the king's tragic death and later reclaimed by his family. It has been passed down among his descendants to this day.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Notes on Knife Fighting

Knife attacks are short, brutal, and scary. It's easier to sneak up on a victim with a knife than with a sword, spear, or bow, and score an attack before an opponent is even aware the battle has begun. Defense against the knife has to be perfect in order to avoid injury, while a knife attacker only has to be good enough or lucky enough to break through once. The second best defense against the knife is to keep out of its range. The best defense is to run.   The knife can be held point-up like a hammer or point-down like an ice-pick. There are pros and cons to each approach, and each is an effective counter to the other. An expert will be able to attack with and defend against both styles. Hammer style, in a range that's close enough to strike but not so close that maneuverability is lost, allows speedy attacks from many angles, while icepick style digs deep.   Slash wounds look bad, bleed profusely, and cause ugly scars. But stab wounds are deeper and more damaging to vital organs. A slash can turn into a stab, and a stab can turn into a slash.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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