Spartoi Ethnicity in Mythopoeia | World Anvil


The Spartoi were created when Kadmos the Founder defeated a dragon at the Ismenian Spring and, following instructions from Apollon's oracle at Delphi, sowed the dragon teeth into the soil of the hill that would become the city's acropolis. Each tooth sprouted into a fully-armed and armored warrior who sprang from the ground in a wild frenzy of violence. The newborn Spartoi clashed until only five survived. Kadmos then brokered a truce and gained their fealty.   Their descendants are sometimes called Spartoi-spawn, with their bloodlines diluted to varying degrees by the generations, but among the spawn are a small handful who most favor the traits of their draconian ancestors. Among these are Pyrrha and Lykomedes, two children of Kreon and Eurydike. The other Kreonides have less of their Spartoi heritage.   There are five tribes of Spartoi, claiming patrilineal descent from one of the five original Spartoi: Chthonius, Hyperenor, Pelorus, Udaius, and Echion. The Echionoi are the most prestigious, also boasting descent from Kadmos, whose daughter, Agave, married Echion. Some Echionoi, including the family of Kreon, claim descent from Pentheus, the last of a line of since-deposed Spartoi kings.  


Skin of bronze, green eyes, hair that ranges from red-tinged brown to red-tinged blonde.  


Bloodlust, exceptional strength, speed, reflexes, and sharpened senses.  


Sharp tempers and a tendency to lose control at the taste of blood, berserker style.


Coming of Age Rites

Spartoi maidens, upon their betrothal, engage in a ritual hunt supervised by the cult of Artemis.


Beauty Ideals

Spartoi tend toward fiery shades of hair color, if not blonde, orange, or red, at least a black or brown that's tinted with those colors. They have bronze skin and often have patches of reptilian scaling which is regarded as most attractive when it forms symmetric patterns on the face.

Gender Ideals

Spartoi women take a more prominent role than those of other tribes. Spartoi girls into early maidenhood take part in sport and play activities with the boys.
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