Enyo Character in Mythopoeia | World Anvil


Grc: Ἐνυώ, Lat: Bellona, Anatolian: Ma

Enyo is one of the Graiai [Grc: Γραῖαι], three "Gray Sisters" who share one eye and one tooth among them. Her other sisters are Deino ("Dread") and Pemphredo ("Alarm"). They were daughters of the sea-deities Phorcys and Ceto, and sisters to the Gorgons.   Enyo is the consort of Ares, the mother of Enyalios, and a war goddess in her own right. Some call her Eris in her capacity as the embodiment of strife and discord., while others considered Enyo and Eris to be separate goddesses.   As goddess of war, Enyo is responsible for orchestrating the destruction of cities, often accompanying Ares into battle along with Enyalios, Phobos ("Fear"), and Deimos ("Dread").   The Romans called her Bellona. In her Anatolian cult, centered around her temple at Komana in the Hittite Empire, she is called Ma. At Thebes and Orchomenos, a festival entitled Homoloia is celebrated in honor of Zeus, Demeter, Athena, and Enyo, led by the priestess of Enyo.   An area outside her temple is symbolically "foreign territory" where ambassadors are hosted and where wars against foreign enemies are symbolically started. Her priests wound their own arms or legs to offer a blood sacrifice to her.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears a plumed war helmet, breastplate, and skirt. Often carries a torch or whip while riding her chariot or a blood-stained sword. Occasionally, she sounds a trumpet for the attack.


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