Mythari The Ages of the World Timeline
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The Ages of the World

Historical Record of all the Ages of Mythari

Birth of the Gods

10000 CR 9000 CR

Encouraged by Time, Mythari's gods - nine immortal deities - take their first breaths in the starry heavens above the gigantic world of Mythari. One by one they claim dominion over all aspects and set to work populating the world with magic, mystery & life.

  • 9999 CR

    9000 CR

    The Nine Immortals

    From the celestial ether, out of the stardust of a hundred billion years, the Nine Immortals appear.

Age of the Ancients

9000 CR 3000 CR

As the Gods of Mythari made their influence known upon the earth - hosts of sentient creatures flocked to each, to worship them and to do great deeds to honor them. This then, was the age of the Ancients, demigods and heroes, who wandered the world, discovering new countries, facing fearsome beasts and sailing the wine dark seas to unknown shores.

Age of the Iron Realms

0 CR 3136 CF

One final battle was fought to determine the outcome of the Gods War - and so much blood was spilled, so much life lost - that the Gods retreated into the heavens, abandoning the creatures they had created and the child-like races they had made to their own fates. Those left behind - no longer graced by the light and wisdom of the immortals - retreated as well, marked their territories with boundaries, their cities with walls and thus the Iron Realms were created.

  • 3135 CF

    3136 CF

    Arkald's Rage
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dark Hordes of Arkald pursue the armies of Kildurin - and are laid low by spell-woven cataclysm.