Stone Keepers Organization in Myridiam | World Anvil
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Stone Keepers


All Stone Keepers hold, allegedly, the same quantity of power, but the Shifting, Shadow and Soul Stone Keepers are kept in a slightly higher regard. The family they come from and how many time they have been in such positions might also affect their level of influence or relevance.


The Stone Keepers are the most powerful Tamers except for the Speakers. This makes them important figures and they have access to many resources, meaning they have an excellent education and most of the time they are revered for their knowledge on history and legends or myths about the Fallen Witches. This is mostly due to them having the responsibility of keeping traditions alive during the actual times.

Public Agenda

Stone Keepers are in charge of most of the traditional events and celebrations that each Magical Division has. And while the dates might change for each one of them there are still some celebrations that stay the same for everyone and that they reunite to discuss or plan.   They are also known for attending war council and thanks to their planification on magical use and times of the year.


Each Stone Keeper has their own set of assets, income and fortune. Unlike the Speakers they do not receive a finnancial remuneration. Though there is a small fund that the families might access if they need to they most likely won´t out of pride and dignity.


The foundation of this tittle was created shortly after the Speaker´s one, when they realized they needed help to create a new and better society. The tittle of Stone Keeper was the first one ever created, called Keepers back then, their job was to "keep" the peace, knowledge and magic.    And their ranks were conformed of the most powerful Tamer families, while also highly trusted individuals for the Speakers in charge.

Demography and Population

The Stone Keepers live all around Myridiam, and there are only six of them:  
  • Ezran Nebula (Shifting Stone Keeper, Mirage City)
  • Lydia Streamhart (Soul Stone Keeper, Rift City)
  • Zamiec Archer (Storm Stone Keeper, Roham City)
  • Edward Wolfeskin (Sun Stone Keeper, Surya City)
  • Aeron Skullgard (Shadow Stone Keeper, Night City)
  • Iizhar Oaks (Soil Stone Keeper, Crystal Coast)


All Stone Keepers have different lands, houses and settlements.


While Stone Keepers don´t have a military they are well trained for battle and considered some of the best fighters there is.


Stone Keepers are some of the Fallen Witches firmest beilievers, thanks to taking care of most of the traditions and festivities related to them. Stone Keepers spend a lot of their time studying history and myths, they also follow all the rules and rituals in order to respect/revere the Fallen Witches.

Foreign Relations

Each relationship depends on which Stone Keeper is discussed, but as a whole they are supposed to try and establish peace, keeping neutral relationships most of the time. Now that the Rifting Skirmish has been gaining importance however things have changes, each of them has to take a side, and this is causing conflict and resentment, making their job more difficult than it ever was.


Stone Keeper education is some of the best in Myridiam, with a highlight on history and whatever their family workd with they have access to some of the most prestigious Boarding Schools in Myridiam.

Poslednji čuvari

Founding Date
1657 a.C or 13 a.F
Alternative Names
Crystal Guards
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
As all of Myridiam they use moons as their usual coin.
Legislative Body
They live under the same rules than all the other Tamers, being regulated by law and the Speakers themselves. However if they break one of these rules the punishment might be worse than for other Tamers.
Judicial Body
They have to answer to the Speakers, and in exceptional cases to the other Stone Keepers if a serious issue or problem is found.
Executive Body
If a Stone Keeper refuses to obbey a law it is usually the Generals who must take action, if they fail then the Speakers will have to interfere.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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