Soul Tamer Ethnicity in Myridiam | World Anvil
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Soul Tamer

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Soul Tamers use both traditional names and names in Raydam, a list of some possible femenine names are:
Traditional names Raydam names
Alice Ruh
Alma Meyah
Ava Karam
Sasha Essen
Layla Kinne
Maeve Daiteke
Rose Sakata
Iris Akilma
Lydia Itami
Luz Kadali

Masculine names

Some possible masculine names for Soul Tamers are:
Traditional names Raydam names
Oliver Angat
Lawrence Olemus
Nico Enaiid
Luke Unako
Ezran Boleh
Adrian Donolik
Connor Jeo
Jayce Sobuc
Zachary Kalt
August Ciso

Unisex names

Some possible unisex names are:
Traditional names Raydam names
Robyn Kithi
Aster Urain
Skyler Saab
Cleo Jista
Kris Brigh
Asa Wyshe
Gray Morost
Briar Sakit
Alex Enzur
Darian Kylma

Family names

Soul Tamers tend to have family names composed of two or more words joined with several modifications. The words their last name is composed of usually indicate where their ancestors came from.   Unlike other Tamers longer family names usually carry more status to their owners, though in some cases there might be an exception.    Some relevant Soul Tamers family names are:
  • The Sotets (Unknown origin)
  • The Streamharts (From the "heart" of the river of Mirror Lake)
  • The Kraits (From Krai Islets)
  • The Onylleys (From Onyx Valley)

Other names

Some Soul Tamers have middle name but they are rare.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Soul Tamers speak Raydam, but some of them, usually the ones that studied in a boarding school know bases of French. Traders usually know different languages from towns or variations of Raydam that are spoken around Myridiam.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Soul Tamer culture is rich in stories and myths, having a deep sense of undertanding with their past and their traditions, respecting them over almost everything else. They also care deeply about what being a Soul Tamer entails, being really mindful about their responsibilities and power.    As for cultural heritage some of the most important buildings in all of Myridiam is the Temple of Sielu, being the only Magic Nexus associated to a building and not a natural element. They also have the Hairpin of Sielu which can redirect Soul Magic in a powerful way, helping the Speaker of Sielu in many situations. Finally they also have the center of Anam City which was built by Dusa herself, the first Speaker of Sielu ever.

Shared customary codes and values

Soul Tamers respect the general rules established to every Tamer, which include:
  • No curses will be allowed, and the punishment will be a matter for the Council of Whispers.
  • Blood Links are forbidden and the punishment will vary depending on what the link did.
  • If a Tamer is considered to be unworthy of their familiar, very extreme cases, they will be freed of the bond.
Out of this they believe strongly in the values that Sielu displayed, which would be selflessness, duty, self control and determination, sometimes forgeting that she also valued kindness. They believe honesty is vital and thus they have a slight disliking for Shadow Tamers in most cases.

Average technological level

Soul Tamers have around the same level of technology that other Tamers, with the only difference being their recent advances in weapons potentiated with magic that Enaiid has kept a secret from others till now.

Common Etiquette rules

Soul Tamers have a high appreciation of etiquette being the ones that try to apply it in most cases. If they are not in an environment that they consider familiar they will try to be as formal as possible and sometimes even remain distant.   Soul Tamers can get easily offended if they are not taken seriously and might seen informality as a disrepectful thing in some situations, that´s why other Tamers tend to respect their personal space and wait to see the attitude they will take before acting themselves.   Soul Tamers etiquette most important rules usually include:
  • Respectful salute (in some cases reverences)
  • Introducing yourself with your full name.
  • Keeping a personal distance and not stablishing physical contact unless its absolutely necessary.
  • No interruptions when the other person is speaking.
  • Not showing many emotions or changing your voice tone if it isn´t requiered.
  • Leaving a way of getting in touch if the convivence was agreable.
  • Thank for the invitation if it is the case.
If Soul Tamers are invited or invite someone to a dinner or to eat in general it is probable that they will expect the person in question to know at least the basics of table etiquette.

Common Dress code

Soul Tamers tend to wear clothes that go from cold colors to magenta, also wearing a lot of black and white to complement. They also use silver jewelry most of the time, thanks to believeing that the silver glow it has is better than the one gold has. Sometimes they also wear small Soul Crystal fragments if they can get them and they take great care of their nails, hair and skin in general.

Art & Architecture

Art: Soul Tamers have a huge appreciation for art in general, but they enjoy the classy and simple styles. They have a lot of painters and they also like some types of modern art, specially literature and paint.   Soul Tamers like to dance but mostly to their style of music, still, they are usually adaptating to the type of dance from where the music they are listening to comes from. However, the artistic area which they are most known for are their theater plays, which are considered the best in all Myridiam.   Arquitecture: Soul Tamers have one of the most impressive structures ever built, The Temple of Sielu, which displays a gothic arquitecture style with several tecniques that coudn´t have been done with out magic. This temple has been used as a referent for Soul Tamer arquitecture to the day, having houses, boaring schools and almost any type of construstion influenced by it.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a Soul Tamer is born they are announced to the whole family, specially if they belong to the head couple. However the closest thing to a baptismal rite they have is the Familiar Ceremony which is one of the most important moments in a Tamer´s life. In this ceremony, that can happen when a Tamer is between their 7 or 15 years, they will demonstrate if they are fitting or not for a Magic Link and a Familiar.

Coming of Age Rites

The most known coming of age rite in Soul Tamer culture is the "Debut Dance" and it is used specially in important families. It is celebrated whenever a Soul Tamer reaches de age of 17, and therefore has obtained a familiar. In this dance the debutant must dance and demonstrate their powers in an elegant and impressive performance to symbolize their potential as an addition to the Soul Tamers and specially their families.   The better the performance is the more chances to establish alliances and deals with other families, if the "Debut Dance" goes wrong the consecuences might result in both the embarrasement of the family and the debutant. The dance partner is also involved in this problem but they won´t be so heavily affected.

Funerary and Memorial customs

As all Tamers Soul Tamers free both the deceased´s spirit and their familiar´s with the help of another Soul Tamer. This custom is specially important because it symbolizes their asention to the upper world and what they consider to be a better life.    Soul Tamers will talk to the deceased one last time and communicate them a short message of their liking. (This is usually done by their closest family member) After this they will help them leave Myridiam and their magic essence will return to the earth where it can be used again.

Common Taboos

Soul Tamers have problems with breaking traditions in general. having almost always a hard time when a change happens. They are also hesitant when showing vulnerability or letting emotions flow, fearing it will affect their magic and therefore their power. Finally they also have issues with loosing control or relevance, thanks to being seen as some of the most powerful Tamers in the last centuries.

Common Myths and Legends

The most important myth in Soul Tamer´s history and Tamer´s history in general is the one of the Fallen Witches. And out of the three most important figures in the story Soul Tamers are associated with the only one that survived, Sielu. She was a was linked to Soul Magic and she did many exemplary acts even after the Rift was closed.    Some of her most important stories are:
  • The Rift Battle.
  • The BlackBlood Battle.
  • The creation of Mirror Lake.
  • The construction of her temple.

Historical figures

Some of Soul Tamer´s major historical figures where:  
  • Sielu
  • Dusa
  • [url:|tab]
  • Ilkira Streamhart
  • Enaiid Sotet


Beauty Ideals

Physical beauty: Soul Tamers consider their Bonding Marks a source of great beauty, the biggest and most notorious the better. They like sharp face feautures and thanks to the fact that many of them have pale skin they like slightly tanned tones better. They also consider eyes a very important aspect of physical beauty, in part because they are considered the windows to the soul.   Artistic beauty: Soul Tamers are known for their love for classic literature and paint, however they also appreciate modern form of art greatly. In most cases they prefer classy and elaborate things but without seeming exagerated. They also seem to like cold colors better, in exeption for magenta. Their taste is considered the opposite of Sun Tamers in most cases.

Gender Ideals

Soul Tamer culture is probably one of the strictest in gender ideals in whole Myridiam. Even if they don´t display it much and it has diminished over the years it was clear that Sielu had a preference for female Soul Tamers. This was fairly evident thanks to the amount of male Soul Tamers that had been chosen Speakers of Sielu over the years.    This doesn´t mean that they have less rights or worse living conditions in general, but it did create a bit of resentment between the Soul Tamers themselves. Leading to several problems over the years.

Courtship Ideals

Soul Magic is centered around control. And thanks to this strong feelings are highly discouraged, or at least repressed. Therefore courtship is a sensitive topic and in many cases arranged marriage is established since young ages.    However there is a strong sense of what courtship should be, specially in important families. They stick to the most traditional aspects and are very serious about it, sometimes surprising other Tamers that don´t take the whole courtship thing so earnest. In most cases if a Soul Tamer displays some acts that might be seen under romantic light it is probable that they look for a stable and long-term relationship. They will also try to gain your respect before your affection in many cases and have a hard time expressing affection in verbal or physical ways.   Courtship in Soul Tamer culture is also done in mostly subtle acts and not public displays of affection. They are also known for having certain displeasure for stablishing romantic relationships with non-Soul Tamers. They are really elitistic and relationships between different social classes are weird or not respected.   However Soul Tamers can also be really dedicated and romantic partners, being loyal no to end and believing in the "Soul mates" more than any other type of Tamer. Some typical courtship acts for Soul Tamers are:
  • Offering or accepting the first dance in their presentation to society.
  • Sending presents that have a special meaning to the significant other. (Usually as a proof of knowing the other.)
  • Asking about others life or aspects they consider "personal".
  • Making a bit of a light show with their powers in certain situations. (To prove their value.)
  • Invitations to one´s house or a private space.
  • Writting letters or expressing affection through art.
  • Even if it isn´t seen as a romantic act formally a Soul Tamer tends to consider to let others into their personal space or stare directly to their eyes a heavy implication of romantic interest.

Relationship Ideals

Soul Tamers usually try to be in control of their emotions in most cases, this leads to a series of implications that might complicate relationships with other Tamers. However they consider honesty a vital virtue and that means that if a Soul Tamer expresses affection or dislike towards someone else it is completely genuine.   They are also known to express more with actions than words and to be really reservated, meaning that if they open up you might be surprised with how they really are. Their ideal of what a healthy relationship should be is really different depeding on how you see the other and they have clear boundaries and actions to follow depending on the type of relationship they want.   Lastly, they aren´t known for meddling in other Tamers life except if they care about them or they hold positions of power that might affect them directly

Major organizations

  • Anam City
  • Crystal Coast
  • Krai Islets
  • Rift City
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Myths

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