Streamhart Organization in Myridiam | World Anvil
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As in most noble families in Myridiam the authority of the whole family depends on the Head of Family, and only blood-related members of the family can have this tittle. When a Head of Family is replaced the title is passed to a person they consider worthy of it, or in case of defunction without successor there is a trial that a Tamer can pass in order to become Head of the Family.


The Streamharts have always been some of the most influential and powerful families in Myridiam. They believe on responsibility and duty over anything else. Which leads to them having selflessness as one of their defining characteristics, and wanting to achieve peace at any cost most of the time.

Public Agenda

The Streamharts are the Soul Stone Keepers. which meant that they had to be in every reunion that included magical regulation, and also when the Speaker of Sielu, or any other speaker required their presence. However since the Rifting Skirmish began, this appearances diminished and now they mostly attend the sessions of the Council of Whispers.


The Streamharts take care of the Soul Stone, but they also were known for being producers of magic crystals, they own the Streamhart manor and the forest that surrounds it, they invested on diverse investigations and projects, but they are mostly known for their magical abilities and achievements.


The Streamhart family was founded shortly after the creation of the Rift and they have been loyal to Sielu ever since. Conformed of some of the most powerful Soul Tamers of the time they were admired ever since, and this only grew as time passed. Being more famous for every accomplishment each generation of the family achieved.    Having some of the most relevant figures in Soul Tamer and even in Tamer culture as a whole, such as Ilkira Streamhart.

Demography and Population

The Streamhart family was never large, but in almost every there was more than one possible successor, meaning that the couples would try to have at least two offsprings.    Unfortunately the number of members has been diminishing, and to the day just three members of the original blood-line remain, with just two of them being Soul Tamers and only one of them being capable of holding the tittle of Head of Family and Soul Stone Keeper.   They inhabit the Streamhart Manor as all the generations before them.


The Streamharts have a manor in the middle of Rift City, owning the forest that surrounds the area, they also own a Sun Season House up on Crystal Coast, and while it is rumored that they have some lands up north this isn't known as a fact.


While the Streamharts don't have a military force perse, due to the tittle of General belonging to the Kraits, they do have many contacts and might get all the help they want. However due to pride and their image in general they will prefer to keep their problems between themselves and not involve any military or force to resolve them.   However they are not afraid to show their magical potential and are known to be some of the better trained, and most powerful Soul Tamer warriors. And even if they are not in charge of the military forces they have a strong impact on whether actions involving violence are taken or not.

Technological Level

The Streamharts know about most technological advances of the time, thanks to having access to many circles where new technologies are most likely to be discovered. They are also aware of most of the weaponry making thanks to being part of war council in most cases, and finally while they know about technology and might apply it if it shows good results they might prefer to stay with more conventional methods in most cases.


The Streamharts believe firmly on the Fallen Witches and they pay tribute to them as much as they can. And while they are mainly focused on Sielu they try to obey and maintain as many traditions as they can.    Since they are supposed to uphold the image of such importance and influence the Streamharts are expected to know the rules, stories and legends from back to back. They are also considered to have a strong connection with magic and Sielu herself.

Foreign Relations

The Streamharts are aligned to the Speaker of Sielu, which means that they should be with the Shutters in the Rifting Skirmish, but thanks to them living in Rift City, which would be the Openers capital, they are in a delicate position.   And while Lydia Streamhart, the actual Head of Family, has been doing a great job at staying neutral in almost every sessions, it is said that it is a matter of time until they have to choose a side. Still, they have good diplomatic relationships with both sides and most of the noble families in Myridiam.   Maintaining their influence and importance, they are a great ally or a fearsome enemy. Because even if they are not known to be vengeful no one wants a Streamhart as a rival. They have a specially close relationship with the Whitebanes, Archers, and the Aynalars, sharing the bond of being some of the oldest families in Myridiam, giving them more influence and a higher position than most noble families in general.

Agriculture & Industry

While they don't have an industry they did transfer magic to crystal they sold and they would direct magic to many different uses that would benefit Myridiam and their financial status at the same time. As for agriculture they are known for their majestic forest, which contains many exotic plants that might be in danger of disappearing.    But they are mostly known for the huge quantities of Silynium they grow, which is rare to see and even more to obtain on populated areas.

Trade & Transport

They used to sell crystals and many uses of Soul Magic, but since the sales diminished they use smaller methods of transportation, such as teleportation spells with a circling spell on the other edge of the mark.


The Streamharts receive an excellent education since young ages, learning various languages as soon as they are able to understand them. They are also taught many things about botanic, astrology and history; and before their ceremony they also learn about Soul Magic, it's basic knowledge and applications.   They also receive lessons about their legends, family legacy and duty. In some cases they also receive art formation. They complement this knowledge with the one they receive in Boarding School and they learn more specialized techniques when they receive a mentor.   Finally for battle strategies, they are supposed to pass down the moves that were created by their bloodline. But this knowledge is usually transferred when a Head of Family considers another member ready to learn it.


The Streamhart manor is impressive, large and classy. With good color combination it has good lighting and wide spaces. It has an impressive collection of decorations and it sometimes reminds of a museum thanks to how much relics are kept there. With a particular architecture it uses many classical Soul Tamer building techniques; which can sometimes remind of the Temple of Sielu.   But some of the most impressive aspects of the house, outside of its balconies and main hall would be the chamber where the Soul Stone is kept. Which display the exact amount of light, air and temperature needed for the spells to be as useful as they can. Still it also keeps a mystical aspect and shows a huge repertory of pieces that show devotion to the Fallen Witches.

Mythology & Lore

The Streamhart family was created shortly after the Rift appeared and since they come from the heart of the stream, where Sielu cried in order to create Mirror Lake they are thought to be closely connected to her.

Divine Origins

And while it is unknown how they started to build their name, they were always known for their power, great feats and altruist nature. They established on Rift City as soon as the Council of Whisper was created and they were there during the ceremony of the first Speaker Myridiam ever had.   Since then they have been notable figures throughout history, and while none of them have ever tried to attain the tittle of Speaker they will figure in any history book.

Cosmological Views

The Streamharts believe that Sielu was right with her sayings about cycles. And thanks to this they believe that Soul Tamers transform into magic once they die, and that they will emerge again as new souls once their process is complete before ascending to the side of the Fallen Witches.

Tenets of Faith

The Streamharts are firm believers of all the rules that have been stablished around the Fallen Witches, as long as they are written in the original texts and they respect the balance that is kept in the importance of each one of them.


The Streamharts are very firm on their morals and they will follow them closely, not letting anything make them doubt. But one of the most important aspects of their ethics would be responsibility, this has to due with their magical division and potential itself. Since Soul Magic is linked to emotion control and having those power dimensions might come as a threat if they are not handled carefully.   Thanks to this both duty and responsibility are their core values, always keeping them in mind nd despising those who don't. Seeing them as a threat to society and someone who should not be granted any kind of power or trust.


For worshiping there are many rules and tradition that they respect in everything that refers to Soul Tamer culture. But a fundamental aspect of this worshiping rituals would be the spells applied to the Soul Stone, which might have variations but always follow the same bases of respect and admiration.


The Head of Family is usually the one who is in charge of the rituals, offers and other situations that have to do with religion, thanks to them being the one in charge of the Soul Stone. Which is one of the most important relics of each Magical Division, having direct relation with the Fallen Witches.

Granted Divine Powers

While not being granted any divine power itself, once they become Stone Keepers they develop a sharper sense of the magic around them. Gaining more power and perspective in the process, it will also help them understand when and where the magic is tronger and why. It will also help them redirect this magic potential.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Streamharts have great renown across Myridiam, and if this alone isn't enough to make an impression, the fact that they work with the Soul Stone and they have a supposed connection with Sielu might grant them even more influence.

Consequuntur veniam

Founding Date
1668 a.C or 12 a.R
Alternative Names
Training Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Streamharts use the same currency system that the rest of Myridiam.
Major Exports
They export Soul magic products, specially crystals, and at some periods of the year, if the Head of Family approves it they will export some Sylinium flowers that will generate an additional income without harming the growth of the rest of the flowers.
Major Imports
The Stremharts don't make huge imports, not consuming more than the resources needed for taking care of the forest and for basic subsistence. With the only exception being the Niquil which they use to fertilize their flowers.
Legislative Body
The rules of the Streamhart system where written during many generations, with new additions every once in a while. In this case all the members of the family are allowed to propose new laws, however it is the duty of the Head of Family to approve them or not.
Judicial Body
While not having a judicial body perse, usually the most trusted member of the family by the Head of Family is the one who serves this function.
Executive Body
Finally, the tittle of executive body is for the Head of Family in most cases.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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