Storm Tamer Ethnicity in Myridiam | World Anvil
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Storm Tamer

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Storm Tamers have some names in Raydam but most of their names are traditional names with European roots, some feminine names could be:  
Traditional names Raydam names
Aurora Irina
Sophie Freya
Tamara Lue
Anne Olia
Gabrielle Phae
Eloise Maloo
Mildred Araga
Astrid Seaj
Stella Ruli
Jane Nuth

Masculine names

Some masculine names for Storm Tamers would be:  
Traditional names Raydam names
Fynn Kya
Benjamin Aene
Klaus Siwur
Hans Ymion
Lucas Relake
Tobias Ander
John Ereth
Christian Yasher
Ernest Liat
Frank Riu

Unisex names

Some typical unisex names for Storm Tamers would be:  
Traditional names Raydam names
Blake Ezra
Drew Azarah
Avery Agate
Arden Lenn
Angel Iloh
Marion Ori
Kai Bea
Indigo Misc
Riley Ojah
Shiloh Sanne

Family names

Family names for Storm Tamers usually refer to what their families did for a living, in both ancient and actual times. This can include from employments to insults. (Ex: Archer and Pilferer)   While this had diminished over the years it was almost a tradition for a Storm Tamer to dedicate their life to what their name indicated, some even considered it a signal from Stuhi.   Some relevant Storm Tamer family names would be:  
  • The Archers (Current Storm Stone Keepers)
  • The Sailors (Owners of the biggest ship company in Myridiam)
  • The Casters (Selectors of the Storm Division)
  • The Divers (Generals of the Storm Division)

Other names

Storm Tamers usually have more than one name, each parent assigning one. Even if this rule is usually followed there are some exceptions to it.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Storm Tamers speak Raydam, but thanks to their constant trips they are used to many of the smaller dialects and variations that exist in Myridiam. And the small Storm Tamer communities are the ones with the most different dialects in the continent.

Culture and cultural heritage

Storm Tamers are firm believers of what Stuhi preached, but they believe that this adapts with time and that you should try to live it as you understand it. They love traditions, but won't mind breaking some of them if they consider it necessary or even just better, they are also really given to dedicate their trips or trials to Stuhi, asking for guidance but also to thank her for everything she has done for them.   They are some of the most firm believers of the Fallen Witches, and several of their sea shanties and short poems are dedicated to them. Some of this pieces did not only became useful for teaching young Tamers but where also modified and became some of the most important pieces regarding adoration to this mythical figures.

Shared customary codes and values

Storm Tamers respect the general rules established to every Tamer, which include:  
  • No curses will be allowed, and the punishment will be a matter for the Council of Whispers.
  • Blood Links are forbidden and the punishment will vary depending on what the link did.
  • If a Tamer is considered to be unworthy of their familiar, very extreme cases, they will be freed of the bond.
As for shared values, they believe that freedom and being open-minded are some of the most important things. You must be brave enough to choose for yourself and therefore live your life as you would like to, after all you only have one. So you should also try to do your best and understand other to experiment things as powerfully and raw as they can be. You should also try to respect others and their ways of living and values so they do the same as you and can both flow as Stuhi would have wanted.

Average technological level

The strongest point of their technological advances are, without a doubt, their ships. They are the fastest in all Myridiam, while also having more control and movement flexibility. They are equipped for almost any situation that the sea, and even opposing ships might provide. Outside of this they have a pretty average level of technology advances in comparison with the other Magical Divisions.

Common Etiquette rules

While the noble, high-status and educated families do follow etiquette rules, these mostly come from different Magical Divisions. Storm Tamers don't need an etiquette rule-book, since they prefer to show their respect to others in their own way so it can be sincere.    This leads to them being some of the most well-behaved persons in front of someone they admire but some of the most unruly individuals in case of them considering a Tamer unworthy.

Common Dress code

From cloaks to sandals Storm Tamers will have a huge wardrobe that adapts to the weather and climate they are facing. They don't have a problem with most fabrics and the colors always come second to the clothes' durability and usefulness. Some usual elements they wear are leather boots and pants, since dresses make it far more complicated to move and they don't like and can't afford it.

Art & Architecture

Art: Unfortunately for them, being in a ship is a full time job, and thus, arts are usually a Roham or Rift City Storm Tamer occupation. This makes them a bit unactive in the art marker, with their sea shanties and short poems, made by Storm Tamer travelers, being more recognized by other cultures and Divisions.    However, while it was not recognized as an art form perse, it is said that Storm Tamers are the best cookers and have the best spice between every other Tamers. And they have some of the most known restaurants and recipes in every city.   Architecture: Storm Tamer architecture has evolved widely as years went by, their original techniques were far more pragmatical than esthetically pleasing and they were adapted to extreme conditions and cold weathers. But as they became traders and sailors then they started to mix the things they found useful from other Magical Divisions, without loosing their pragmatical approach.    They are known for their big piers and fortified walls around settlements, but some of their most admired works are the breakwaters that surround Stuhi's Cove and go all the way up to Roham City.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The closest thing to Baptismal rites, outside of the Bonding Ceremony, would be the choosing of the kid's names. Since for them it is really important to think about the meaning behind the names they are giving. As they show some attributes that complimented with their last name will either describe the Tamer or protect them. So each parent will choose their name carefully, wanting to gift the kid and prepare them as best as they can.

Coming of Age Rites

Storm Tamers have many coming of age rites and the one a young Tamer is going to face depends on what they are going to do with their lives or with what their family does for a living. They usually face this trials once they end Boarding School or as soon as they apply for a job position.    In some cases they get tattoos to remind them if they passed or failed a rite, in case of the latter, then they won't get the job and will just have to face another trial before getting another position. The tattoos or trials passed usually work as a certificate that the Tamer is capable of doing what they claim.   Thus it is common for ambitious Tamers or important family members to try and pass as much rites as possible and to try and face the most difficult ones.

Funerary and Memorial customs

As all the Magical Divisions Storm Tamers will free the Tamer and their Familiar's energy with the help of a Soul Tamer. Once this is done they will return the body to the sea. For rich families it is common to sink a ship that contains the deceased's body, for those with less income or status then the body will be simply thrown to the sea.   Both cases have a meaning, since those who sunk without a ship will become dolphins, and guide travelers to safe land. As for the ones with ships they will take a last journey to meet Stuhi herself, who will decide if they are worthy enough to join her side.

Common Taboos

Really open-minded people, Storm Tamers aren't shocked by most of the other cultures habits, however the coldness of Soul Tamers and the obstinacy of Soil Tamers will never fail to surprise them. However one thing that will be astonishing to them would be the traditions and strict rules that must be followed in certain societies and places.

Common Myths and Legends

The most important myth in Storm Tamer's history and Tamer's history in general is the one of the Fallen Witches. And while they adore all six of them, the ones they admire the most are Selene and Stuhi, with Sielu being close behind. Still they talk more about Stuhi, since she was linked to Storm Magic and is their guide Witch.    Some of her most known myths are:
  • The Rift Battle.
  • The Sea Sacrifice 
  • The Water Split

Historical figures

Some of Storm Tamer's most important historical figures would be:  
  • Stuhi 
  • Killian Archer
  • Klaus Fisher 
  • Blake Hunter


Beauty Ideals

Physical beauty: Storm Tamers have a very branched sense of what physical beauty represents or is, mainly due to them being travelers and living in piers and harbors most of the time. However, as a sense of what was classically beautiful to them it would be curly hair, because it reminds them of sea waves; and slim eyebrows, thanks to Storm Tamers not having that trait usually. However, even if there are some exceptions, physical beauty is not a determining factor for them.   Artistic beauty: Storm Tamers have a large variety of artistic pieces related to the sea, the cloud and water in general. However they are not strong influents in the art market, since most of their "fine art" pieces are from Rift and Roham City. As for the Storm Tamers who live in different places or are constantly in the move they are used to sea shanties and short poems they hear in their various travels. As for their taste in art they usually like hard and strong feelings to be displayed and are quite direct, which makes them a bit impatient with some works that might be a bit subtler.

Gender Ideals

Storm Tamers don't have strong gender roles or ideas that dictate how their society works. The only place where some distinctions are made would be on ship managing, and this is caused by superstition more than actual gender ideals. It is a common Storm Tamer belief that women are better at navigating and orientating themselves, while men have better luck as Splitters at securing the ship's equipment for a storm.   Still, these beliefs are easily overpowered by the capability each Tamer shows and the animal they received as a Familiar. Which have much more weight on the final decision for the job.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is a really easy topic for Storm Tamers, and they don't give much thought to it in most cases. This can be attributed to them believing in freedom and change as a normal thing. This makes it easy for them to move on and be laid-back in situations regarding romantic relationships. And since they are used to travelling it is also quite common for them to be in long-distance relationships, which they can manage quite well.   Passionate and open-minded would be the best words to describe most of their relationships, but in the cases of a high-status family things can complicate a bit. They will try to search both a good family and chemistry before establishing an engagement, and unlike other Magical Divisions the Tamer who is to be married has a choice on the matter.    In the rare case that there isn't a appropriate match that has both aspects, then the Storm Tamer will have an arranged marriage, and as soon as a heir is born then they can ask for a separation without anyone batting an eye.    Finally Storm Tamers are the Tamers that get into romantic relationships earlier than any others, and while they have several partners during their lives, they are almost never alone. Some say that it is due to wanting to have something to come back once they finish their travels.

Relationship Ideals

Storm Tamers look for trust. They look for someone to watch their back and will do the same in return.    They are really intense and really believe in "my ride or die" these Tamers are given to liking or disliking someone at first sight and acting according to it. Thanks to these they have really close bonds but can also have deep-hatred relationships easily, they also like open-minded people, and once they made their mind about someone they will accept it and let it flow most of the time.   While they are extremely loyal they are not the most reliable people for little and day-to-day situations, since their need for freedom might make them loose their senses in some cases. However when it comes to serious matters or hard times then they will not leave you alone even at the cost of their life.    Rarely respecting manners and some boundaries, Storm Tamers will make friends easily and know people wherever they go, and while they are known for they constant teasing and jokes, they have a great amount of respect for those who they care about, and even those they dislike.   Really direct and fair people most of the times, once you come close to a Storm Tamer, they will trust you and let their walls crumble down in seconds, now you are one of them and you are in for a long time.
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