The Eartheins Ethnicity in MYRANELYNIA | World Anvil
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The Eartheins

The Eattheins are the sub-race of Myranelynia. They are those living in the kingdom of Eathein and live on the land part of Myranelynia.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Most of the names Eartheins have are rather unisex and be gender-specific based on spelling. Generally, girls are given names on, based, or inspired by flowers and precious gems, such as Daisy, Ametrine, Forgmet (forget-me-not), and Lazuli. Some female names can be on other plants, depending on the meaning of the plant, if it seems fitting for the girl.

Masculine names

Most of the names Eartheins have are rather unisex and be gender-specific based on spelling. Generally, boys are given names on, based, or inspired by rocks, herbs, and trees, such as Oakenson, Andesite, Cordata, Bay, and Phylli (Phyllite). Some male names are on precious gems and flowers, depending on the hardness scale of the gem and meaning of the flower, and if it seems fitting for the boy.

Unisex names

With the names of the people of Earthein being either from a plant or rock, based on a plant or rock or with the root of a plant or rock, the names can be unisex, and gender-specific names are based on how they're spelled. For example, Tansy can be either feminine or masculine, but Tansy for feminine is spelled with a 'y', while the masculine is spelled with an 'i'.

Family names

Some of the biggest family names of Earthein include the Rose Family, the Diamond Family, and the Rockenson Family.

Other names

Sometimes, an honorary name can be given to someone, especially if the person or family finds great favor with them. This name is one that has a meaning the giver best suits the person. It could be something like Lavender (devotion, virtue), Amethyst (wisdom), Obsidion (protection), Oak (strength) and things of that similar nature.


Major language groups and dialects

Myraneise is the language spoken, with a dialect-specific for Earthein towns and cities.

Average technological level

Most of the technological advancements come from the technology the Sea Crossers' brought over, though most of it isn't used due to superstition. Two brothers spend their days reverse-engineering the technology they can get their hands on and seeing how they can integrate it into their home.

Common Etiquette rules

Referring to someone with the proper title and giving the utmost respect to that individual. Letting those who are older speak first and sit first.

Common Dress code

Of the three kingdoms, Eartheins dress the most modestly in comparison. Generally, arms are covered even in the heat of summer, and calves can be shown depending on the job the person has. Dresses and tops that reveal chest more than necessary are considered indecent and are often asked to change.

Art & Architecture

Books and stories are the treasure of Earthein. Housing the island's library, they take pride in the collection of stories in there and have scribes specifically write stories down to turn into books. Every few months, there are events specifically to either read a story or to act our a story in the theater. Architecture is nearly brightly colorful or white, with some being bare stone or wood, depending on the building. Every building has a roof with a water-proof coating to filter rainwater and collects it in barrels to serve as drinking water. Some buildings have plants integrated into the structure (i.e. Cham's Tower) or simply have plant life decorating it.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In the early winter, a special contest is held between home and family made miniature houses. Whoever has the best receives the prize and bragging rights for the year. In Earthein, many families stay together, as in multi-generational families. Some do live on their own or with their spouse, but many of them stay together. A holiday called Elders' Day (or Day of the Teacher Wise in a more literal translation) has the people listen to tales of the elderly and have family recipies passed down onto the next generation.

Coming of Age Rites

At the age of 21, the person is considered an adult and needs to prove their maturity. The ritual can be one of two things: either grow and maintain a flower bed of lilies for a year (before 21st birthday), or they can spend a week preparing a special meal that takes a week to make. The goal of these two is to test their ability to be patient and steady with their task, whatever they may end up doing. If they cannot wait or properly take care of the task given to them, they will be considered immature until they can complete the task.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are done in a cremation style. Since fire is considered cursed and a sign of death, they use it only for the dead or cursed, setting the corpse ablaze and burning it to ashes. Ashes are put into a small container and either the family of the deceased keeps it or if they had no family, it's placed in a memorial building, specifically to hold the ashes of the deceased. In Earthein specifically, there is one building in Sage Town, the capital, that houses the ashes of the deceased and has a scroll documenting each person.

Common Taboos

Unless they are related, close friends, or married, they are not allowed to touch anyone else, especially the opposite gender. Picking a lily flower. Cutting down a tree that's still connected to a couple. Interrupting a storyteller unless for a dier situation.

Common Myths and Legends

The Myth of the Four Elementals creating the islands

Historical figures

The Four Brothers, Raen, Grine, Ward, and Ocous; Cham, the one who built the tower; King Cordata of Earthein, Queen Avala of Cloudiaon and Leader Rayne of Fountania fought in the War of the Islands; Aadiaen, the first female Earthein to become Guardian


Beauty Ideals

Considering most of the people have darker skin, the darker the skin, the more beautiful the person. Natural hair, both in color and texture, is what's considered beautiful. Freckles, vitiligo, and similar skin markings are considered beautiful.

Gender Ideals

Generally, the men work and earn income and protect his family from any strife, while women cook and prepare food and ensure her family is well taken care of. Women can work and men can stay to take care of the family, but the previously mentioned example is how things generally go.

Courtship Ideals

Arranged marriages happen more than independent marriages in Earthein. with arranged marriages, the parents find a suitable husband or wife and the two spend 4 to 7 months to get to know the person before the wedding is announced and prepared. For independent marriages, the person goes and finds their ideal partner and can spend as long as four months to seven years to know the person. the approval of the parents is needed and any attempt to marry without it will end in turmoil, especially as the parents do everything they can to break the relationship.

Relationship Ideals

Friendships and business partners are some of the highest regard relationships of Earthein. Marriage relationships are also highly regarded since the more marriages that happen, the more trees are going to be planted by the newly wed couple.
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