Clement Botkin

Clement Botkin

Clement Botkin is the first BARON OF BOTKINBURG. He came to the area from his homeland of Kingdom of Kayomar as a young man. He was able to put together a hardy band of warriors, and they found a small village called Stoneway near a stone bridge over the HRUESEN RIVER that was regularly plagued by attacks of orcs and goblins. He and his band took on the job of defending this small settlement and in time it grew.
He eventually built a tower there, then a wall, then a baily round the village. At that time he was acknowledged as the Baron, and the town grew under his protection, and the name was changed to Botkinburg in his honor.
Unfortunately he is now in the grip of senility, and so while still on the throne the Barony is ruled by a regent, his Grandson Volkmar Botkin.
He was the Father of Sigismund and FREKIN BOTKIN. Sigismund died tragically in a fight with Goblins in BLACKTOOTH RIDGE.  Frekin lost an arm fighting orcs on the ridge as well, and now commands the keep garrison in Botkinburg.


Clement Botkin


Towards Eliriza Botkin

Eliriza Botkin


Towards Clement Botkin

Eliriza Botkin (spouse)
Ruled Locations


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