Aesperdi Settlement in MyAirdhe | World Anvil


The seat of the Duke of Aesperdi this ancient town has grown from a keep of one of the early Dukes to a small but bustling city.  It is still set in the woodlands and is very much a forest town featuring large numbers of trees within the walls of the town.     Only during the WINTER'S DARK, when it hosted a garrison of Imperial troops did stone replace the wooden walls.  During this time the walls were also extended and the river landing expanded.  The locals showing their lack of inertia have slowly blended the imperial stonework into their preferred woodlands.


90% Human, 10% Gnome, 2% Halfling, 1% Elf, 1% Half-Elf, 1%Dwarf


Mayor appointed by the Duke, and a town council of select prominent citizens

Industry & Trade

Woodworking & River Shipping


The Keep: Here is where the Duke's residence is, and where the under utilized keep remains.   The River Front: Here the extensive wharfs are only partially utilized as the war no longer causes the need for them all. Still it does bustle a bit and the small shops, taverns, and inns that cater to the river boat crews still do a good business. There are also warehouses and businesses involved in river shipping.   Woodworkers: The woods in Aesperdi supply some of the best hardwoods, and it's craftsmen some of the finest furniture and woodwork in Aihrde. This area of town houses the many craftsmen and their shops, as well as their guild house.   Upper Town: The area closest to the keep is home to the towns more noted and wealthy citizens. This area flows down from the rise where the keep was built over looking the river below. In its lower reaches what monetary services and higher craftsmen can be found.   Lower Town: This area flows out into and is the most forest like area of the town. Here the locals who work the other trades or work for others are to be found.

Guilds and Factions

Woodworkers Guild, Town Council, Rivermen's Guild, Nobles


Started as a keep on the River by LUW I in the early days of the Duchy.  It eventually became the favorite stopping point of the Dukes on their rounds.  Eventually the village outside the keep grew, and became a town after centuries of slow growth.  This was accelerated during the Winter's Dark as the HORNED GOD sent a garrison there and did improvements that he deemed best for him.  After his fall the changes remain, and now the people of Aesperdi use or ignore them as they do or don't improve the town in their opinion.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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