Idioms and Sayings in Muum | World Anvil
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Idioms and Sayings

“Those in glass castles shouldn’t throw stones.”
Same, but with glass houses
“Safe as a pirate in the Fractured Isles.”
“Taking reading lessons from the illiterate.”
Pot calling the kettle black
“Releasing the plague rats.”
Causing shit to hit the fan
“Different roads to the same destination."
Tomayto, Tomahto
“You took the horse; you might as well ride it.”
No point in doing bad ideas halfway
“An arrow from the clear sky”
From out of nowhere

Horseshoe Jokes

A classic of any late night get-together, pull out a horseshoe joke whenever you want to evoke a laugh while being a little bit racist!  
How many Mekulets does it take to shoe a horse?
Four. One to shoe it. One to oversee. And two to start a war over who gets the credit.
How many Sheyla does it take to shoe a horse?
None. They pray for the horse to be shoed, and if it doesn't happen, that is just the will of the gods.
How many Voldrs does it take to shoe a horse?
One to certify the breeding of the horse, one to own the iron mine for the shoe, one to provide gold-plated nails just because he can, one to draft the proper procedure, one to bribe the previous to cut corners for mutual profit, and one to blame the whole thing on the first, who is an old political rival.

The horse never actually gets shoed.
How many Prismodians does it take to shoe a horse?
Two… One to begin the work, and then his long-lost nephew to usurp him in the middle of doing so.
How many Sokkin Lor operatives does it take to shoe a horse?
There is no horse. You saw nothing.
How many Wights does it take to shoe a horse?
They can't. When they ask politely whether the horse wouldn't please mind being shoed, the horse says "neigh."
How many Et'ens does it take to shoe a horse?
Ten. One to shoe it, and nine to fight off the Mekulets that come to capture it.
How many Peleii does it take to shoe a horse?
None. They’ve invented horses that shoe themselves.
How many Wilders does it take to shoe a horse?
Just the one. Wait, did you say “shoe”? Never mind.


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