Greystone Baptist Church Geographic Location in Munson, NY: The Most Haunted Square Mile in the US | World Anvil

Greystone Baptist Church

A pillar of our community as grey as its name implies, the Greystone Baptist Church is the grounds of Reverend Morris Behart, a devout believer in the Lord and self-appointed shepherd to the Munson flock. The church is not a small building but can get crowded on Sundays, and talk of expansion has increased for our growing community. The building was the first holy site built shortly after the town's founding. My grandfather helped build it, even though he himself was an Episcopalian.   Apparently the building went slowly and became a haven for stray cats, what with all the field mice around in those days. It took a lot of work to keep those animals from returning once the church was up running. Guy Sours might be able to provide more specific knowledge, as his family helped to build many of the buildings in town, and he tends to the church cemetery.

Uncanny Occurence

As Mr. Donne said, do not ask for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee, and that sobering fact is true for the citizens of Munson too. When a member of the town passed on, it had become a custom for the church bell to be rung three times at high noon in memory for the deceased.   In recent days, the church bell has been ringing once at exactly midnight. Reverend Behart swears that he is the only man with access to the bell and would never use it to disturb a tranquil night. No one has been seen entering or leaving the building in the middle of the night, and no footprints or traces of forced entry can be found. And yet, the bell rings, deep and foreboding. Everyone has heard it. It goes without saying, people are spooked.


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