Thorin Oakenshield Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Thorin Oakenshield

King of Mazaar Thorin Oakenshield

Thorin Oakenshield was born as a dwarven prince in banishment. He held a claim to the throne of the Dwarven kingdom of Mazaar, but his people had fled the underground metropolis after being cursed by the dreadful Girger. In his heart however, a desire to retake his ancestral birthright kept burning. After The First Great Wilderness Expedition he sensed his opportunity and started gathering supporters among the dwarven refugees. After gathering enough support, he approached Lord Commander Marcus Vardenfell with a proposal to jointly retake the lost kingdom. Vardenfell took his offer and together they battled the goblins and undead that infested the hallowed dwarven halls. They smartly used the dwarven automatons left there to beat their enemies and in 1394 Thorin Oakenshield is crowned king of Mazaar. Ever since he rules his realm wisely and acts to restore the kingdom to its former glory.   Thorin is a skilled warrior, famed for leading his men from the frontline. Under his rule Mazaar prospers and he keeps a strong alliance with both The Night's Watch and the Kingdom of Orzammar.
Year of Birth
1361 3E 109 Years old


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