Session XXX: Strengthened by Knowledge Report Report in Mundus | World Anvil
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Session XXX: Strengthened by Knowledge Report

General Summary

Leaving the Demise

Having learnt much from Rosar, John Doe is asked by Rosar to join her on a food scavenge. When they return, they seem better buddies than ever. They drink fesh goat milk and eat a fleshly slain goat. The giant even throws in some of her father's brew with the adventurers. When Nalan is confused on the exact situation regarding Vex and inquires once more with Rosar, Balin Thornbow picks up on an oddity. A blood seal was formed between the leaders of the Humans, Dwarves and Dunmer. Suddenly it no longer appears to Balin to be a coincidence that Zulk the Wise has tasked them with retrieving information on the royal Gundyr bloodline. As such, he and the party grow conspicuous of Zulk. When asking about the contents of the Elven Glade, Rosar mentions there is a hardy path through the mountains to reach the glade, though suddenly not meant for travellers without the means of climbing. The adventurers satisfied with the knowledge they gained, call it a night.  

Spiders, Minecrawlers and Trogs... What a stench

Early in the morning, the adventurers decide to return to the spider crevice they encountered earlier to see if any treasure remains. Upon returning there, they discover the spider nest is largely wiped-out. The tunnels seem to be dug by creatures other than frostbite spiders however, with Balin recognizing the craftings of Minecrawlers. It is at this moment they hear a loud rumbling of crawlers making their way to them. The adventurers decide to abandon the cave and seek their fortune elsewhere.   Breathing the fresh outside air again, the adventurers return to the field of holes they encountered earlier. Equipped with a rope from Rosard, they descend the tunnel seeking out the small Aria torches. They continue their path Northward and soon discover an opening with daylight. A troglodyte statue appears here with a small pool of water at the freezing point. The adventurers walk around the puddle to discover a descending road leading to a large door with tribal markings on it. Although they debate whether to open the door, eventually Nalan resolves the matter by opening the door. He is surprised by a small army of troglodytes, with roughly thirthy Troglodytes ambushing the adventurers. Throwing poison bombs, they manage to discomfort John & Nalan with their poisonous stench. Combat ensues, which is fatally decided by Oswald's harnessing of fire (#Fireball).  

The Wrath of a Daedric Prince

Having murdered all trogs previously inhabiting the cave, the adventurers scavenge the room to find little of value. A large tunnel descends further into the troglodyte grounds. The opening they've reached was likely built by Dunmer, as commented on by Balin's Stonecunnig. In the middle of the room a statue of a large daedric-appearing being with a greatsword is situated. Nalan recognizes the statue to belong to the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon, prince of Ambition, Revolution and Destruction. Nalan decides leaving the statue unharmed is an insult to Innos and he decides to tear it down with his maul.   Upon breaking the statue of Mehrune's Dagon, three orange portals opens up in the room. Bracing themselves for what to come, 2 Dremora Churls, a Flame Atronach, a Scamp appear to them. From the central portal, a large-hulking blue figure bare-chested appears, marked with all kinds of Daedric inscribings and wearing a large two-handed greatsword : a Xivilai. Combat ensues...  
Depiction of a Xivilai   The battle is far from easily won, with both Nalan & Oswald going unconscious multiple times during the battle. The Xivilai appears to be a fearsome foe, dealing massive damage with his greatsword and commanding the magic powers of Lightning Bolt. When the battle seems won, he summons a Clannfear to aid him in battle. It is John's decisive shot that ends the Xivilai. Would the shot have missed, the adventurers would likely have perished.   Upon defeating their foes they are depleted of resources and clinging onto their lives. All of the bodies of the daedra have disappeared in thin air, all but the corpse of the Xivilai. The adventurers recover a "Xivilai heart" from the corpse and keep his Daedric Claymore.

Rewards Granted

  • 4 dimmed Aria torches
  • 4 troglodyte poison glands
  • A Xivilai heart
  • A Daedric Claymore
The Island of Runaar
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
John Doe
Lawful Neutral Wood Elf (Inheritor)
Ranger 6
63 / 63 HP
Report Date
04 Oct 2021
Secondary Location


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