Cardinal Rank/Title in Mundus | World Anvil
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Cardinals are highly regarded members of the Chantry of Fire or the Order of Fire. They are not tasked with governing a hold such as an Arch Bishop, but are rather tasked with matters such as research and preserving the religion's integrity. Generally cardinals are Fire Magicians of the High Circle of Fire within the Chantry of Fire. Similarly, cardinals promote Fire Magicians to the High Circle of Fire (though often these titles go hand-in-hand).       Within the Order of Fire, the title of Cardinal holds a different meaning, as Arch Bishops actually rule lands in their theocracy. Cardinals are tasked with perceiving and spreading the word of Innos. They generally train the prominent members of their order in the arts of Magic.


You must be part of the High Circle of Fire.


You're chosen among the High Circle of Fire, appointed by fellow Cardinals and the High Flame.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
his eminence
Equates to
In terms of Hierarchy, Cardinals hold the same official weight as an Arch Bishop.
Reports directly to
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