Arcane Masters in Mundus | World Anvil
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Arcane Masters

The Arcane Masters are a collection of powerful mages that have together ended the second Era, the Age of Legends, and dawned the third Era by materializing most of the Void. Although their means and goals of achieving the feat remain unknown it is speculated that the masters were either trying out the limits of their capabilities, or that in testing their capabilities they accidentally performed said feat. Among the Arcane Masters are:  
  • Yberion, master of the Shadow and Necromancy, was trapped by his fellow Arcane Masters in his sub-plane of the 'Underdark'. A gateway to his sub-plane is found in the catacombs of Gorgorath. Even though he has been banished from Mundus, Yberion is known to pupil potent necromancers that seek him in Gorgorath, the most notorious among them the Girger. 
  • @darius, sentinel of Knowledge, is an old member of the order of the Phoenix. Those that know Darius know him as sentinel of Mundus, halting Valthor's first attempt to ascension together with the other Heroes of Old, and assembling a force of heroes to stop Hokan in his attempts to dawn the fourth Era.
  • Rowen, former leader of the order of the Phoenix, was a great friend to Darius. Rowen met his demise however when he and Uram set of to face-off against Hokan in the lands of Xu. 
  • Uram, master of Demons, is known as the greatest practicer of Demon magic in Mundus. Although his physical form has been destroyed in his face-off against Hokan, he is still prayed to by his Demon Cult from the lands of Xu. His followers believe Uram will one day return from the Void to conquer Mundus. 
  • Vendregor, master of Enchanting, was an Aldmer from the lands of the Elven Court. After the materialization of the Void he travelled to the Kingdoms of Asgarnia founding his own magic institution there: the Aryan Spire. 


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