Sahaguin city
Protecting the entrance to this cove be jagged rocks that on their own have claimed many a vessel. Beneath the water kelp fields ensnare many a diver fool hardy enough to brave the deep.
Bellow the surface of the water, in this ravine of a cove, Exists Sahaguin City among the underwater dwellings the water, is thick with the blood of creatures fallen victim to its inhabitants.
Sahuagin city is full of... you guessed it, Sahuagin! This hidden location is known only by the elves of Airë Eälótë and the few local bronze Dragons.
The Sahuagin who live here are led by a king, truly an absolute unit of a shark, named Scale Eater the Engorged. They have been eating the local humanoids and preying on traveling ships for generations.
Scale Eater The Engorged is a new face to the monarchy of shauagin city earning his name in claiming of his title
The city encompasses a wide variety of underwater sights to behold, sunken ships that lay filled with treasure, cavernous dwellings, to the great air pocket, Azark the Eternally Fed.
The great air pocket, Azark the Eternally Fed is at the very heart of the city and rightfully so the structure is marvelously made of great bone and shell, on the bottom of the ocean sits this rounded dome like castle held together by ancient magics.
Enclosed by giant shells and bones of gargantuan proportions the air pocket, Azark The Eternally Fed inspires wonder and awe. It is outdone only by the oppressed state of the captured slaves living within this damp warren of a keep. Knowing full well, that the last air they will ever breathe is within this oppressive ocean dwelling, clinging only to the hope that one day, maybe just maybe, Heroes might learn of this place and set them free.