Ashes Pack Brotherhood Organization in Mother Universe | World Anvil

Ashes Pack Brotherhood

The Ashes Pack brotherhood currently rules the Phoenix system and is composed of the Silver Forge pack who currently lead the brotherhood. The Pack of the Broken Hammer, the Smoldering Steel pack, the Tempered Bronze pack, the Molton Rivers Pack, and the Welded Iron pack. These six pack all share a common anscetry having decended from one ancient mega pack. The Ashes part of their name is a direct reflection of that, these six packs rose from the ashes of this previous mega pack and have thrived to this day. The Modern day headquarters of the Brotherhood can be found in the city of Phogentus on the planet Phoenix Ashes. They are responsible for the safety and deffence of the home system, as well as funding the expansion project. all but one of the individual groups that make up this brotherhood are also in charge of running the planet they reside on.   Every two years the members of the Ashes pack brotherhood get together to share news, see old friends, discuss buisness, and to celebrate large events that occurred between the meetings with the larger brotherhood as a whole. while during the day what has happened financially, advances in science and technology, and changes in leadership as well as plans for what they hope go acheive in the next two years between meetings.   While it hasn't occurred since the brotherhoods creation there is a process in case it's deceided the current leader is not leading them correctly, a emergency meeting will be called and a two votes will be held the first to decied if the current leader will be removed the second to decied on the new leader.

Public Agenda

They plan to lead the residents of the Phoenix system in expanding to establish a saftey net around their home system.
Alternative Names
Phoenix Alliance


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