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The population of Motorville is a mix of unmutated and mutated humanoid groups. The vast majority of the population are Assembly Line Workers who create parts for vehicles in the many factories throughout the haven. The second largest profession within the population are Haulers, who maintain vehicles during the winter and drive long routes to trade and haul goods away from and back to Motorville. Lastly there are miscellaneous workers who farm, produce medicine, operate Motorville's limited hydroponics facilities, and serve in the Motorized Cavalry.


Motorville is governed by an ancient corporation called the Absolute Automotives Company and is ruled over by the CEO of the Public who is chosen during an election that takes place yearly. The electorate is comprised of the "Stakeholders," which include everyone who owns stock in the AAC, such as the workers in the company, but the power of each vote is proportional to the percentage of the company owned by the individual voter. 73% of the shares of the AAC are owned by the handful of Boardmembers. The CEO of the public is free to fill other roles in their government, such as the Workers Security Commissioner and the Infrastructural Efficiency Director. All roles, except those within the AAC and the other corporations in Motorville, answer to the CEO of the Public, who holds near absolute power, checked only by the CEO of Operations, the other Motorville corporations, and, most importantly, the Boardmembers.


Motorville is protected by the Motorized Cavalry, or Motocav for short. The Motocav is controlled by the Mobile Security Corporation and patrols the city, defending against threats from within and without. The Motocav also take on contracts far afield during the Summers, but primarily serve as a police and security force for Motorville.

Industry & Trade

Motorville is the chief producer of vehicles and vehicle components on Morzanna, and Absolute Automobiles are the gold standard for rugged, affordable vehicles is the frozen world. Trade with other havens only takes place during Summers, as fuel and parts freeze and breakdown in the freezing cold outside of havens during the rest of the year. Motorville's primary imports include food, fuel, raw materials, and workers.


Motorville's chief production are vehicles, vehicle parts, and maintenance for vehicles. This is an uphill battle in the harsh world of Morzanna as the cold weather and difficult conditions lead to many lost and damaged vehicles and require Motorville products to be sturdy and off-road capable. Motorville has been built from the top down to maximize the efficiency of its workers in the hundreds of factories that dot the haven. Other notable structures include storage facilities and garages which house tens of thousands of vehicles and chassis. The cold must be fought off for the vast majority of the year and, as in most havens, Motorville relies on a system of ancient, high-tech, geothermal generators which are the life line of the city. They require constant maintenance from skilled technicians, primarily when their heat isn't as needed during the brief periods of Summer on Morzanna.


Motorville is divided into three primary districts, "The Warehouse District", "The Admin Quarter", and "The Line". The Warehouse District serves as the storage depot for vehicles in various states of repair as well as spare parts. Because of this districts size and purpose, it is a low priority for heating and is kept close to freezing temperature most of the time. Haulers work to turn over engines, rotate tires, and generally maintain and evaluate the vehicles and parts in the Warehouse District in preparation for the trade season. Chief among the jobs in the Warehouse District is to mix the fuel stores so that Motorville can to deploy its vast trade fleet during the trade season. The Admin Quarter is the smallest district in Motorville and comprises the lavish homes and offices of the corporate executives of the Absolute Automotives Company and the other, smaller corporations within Motorville. The Line is the largest district and comprises the factories and modest accommodations of the assembly line workers and their families. Children in The Line are schooled by the AAC until the age of 12 when they are officially hired by the company and assigned their work, typically starting out as interns working under their older family members. The Line is a place of extreme heat and biting cold and is every bit as dangerous on the assembly line as it is off in dark, narrow alleyways.


Motorville resides in rocky terrain at the edge of The Cryo Belt, making the cold and food production an even greater concern for the people of Motorville than other havens around Morzanna. Motorville is also a popular location for Outriders as the low population of the area and hazardous terrain leads fruitful scavenging trips and plenty of work for the corporations of the haven.
Alternative Name(s)
Auto City
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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