Lustrian Glass Quills Item in Morgrave | World Anvil
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Lustrian Glass Quills

Lustrians are well known for their exquisite glass work - one look at the pantheon's stained glass windows could tell you that much. One incredible item that only master glassblowers are capable of creating are glass well quills, though even apprentices are capable of creating regular glass quills. Glass quills are permanent replacements for regular quills, which must be occasionally sharpened and eventually replaced. However, the price of a glass quill makes it a long term investment, as it costs many times more than a regular quill. And a glass well quill can only be afforded by the nobility, who treasure it like an heirloom.

Glass Quills

A glass quill is quite simply made - it is a handle made from a thin glass rod, usually shaped into ornamental or ergonomic designs, attached to a tip with grooves that can hold a small amount of ink in them. These quills are only capable of writing about a line of text before they must be dipped again. The glass used to make the quills can be clear or colored. Some even have designs in them.

Glass Well Quills

A glass well quill, on the other hand, is much more difficult to make. The entire piece must be made all together because there is a hollow reservoir in the handle with a thin channel that leads all the way from the tip, through the reservoir, to the end of the quill. The user can dip the tip in ink, then suck on the end like a straw to bring the ink into the reservoir in the quill, then they 'cap' the end with a fitted piece of decorative glass to keep the ink vacuum-sealed in the quill. Every once in a while the cap needs to be removed to allow the ink to drip down a little, but this needs to be done only infrequently and a single fill can last hundreds of pages. These quills are typically custom made and can be made to be very ornamental. They also cost a small fortune.


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