
created by Pete Allen and Byron Starr

Moreauvia is an alternate Earth, created in 2006ish as a playground setting for writers and gamers who are fans of alternate history, Steampunk, anthropomorphized animals a la Dr Moreau, and interested in social and environmental issues. The setting is currently ~1900 AD, but can take place at any point in the timeline, with events later than 1910 still TBD. (I'm imagining a global holocaust at some point and a post-apocolyptic setting also).   Moreauvian earth's natural laws work a little differently than ours, with the important point here being that in the mid-1800s, vivisectionists and evolutionists were working toward manipulating natural creatures to be able to perform human work, with the intent that slavery could then be abolished without disrupting the economy of the southern United States. Strictly speaking, it worked, but there were a whole bunch of ramifications that few foresaw...

Scope and Intent
Content here will be private initially (with public Meta and Timeline), but if it is of interest, please feel free to subscribe for access to more information, and to be kept apprised of reading and writing opportunities:   I am a publisher, and this material will be available for people to craft stories and games (as the gaming aspect is developed) and I intend to release print and ebook anthologies based in this setting.

Existing Material

The four issues of Tales of Moreauvia magazine (ISSN 1916-1638) ran irregularly from 2008-2012. The magazine specialized in alternate history, weird west, historical fiction and the like, and though we aimed to get a Moreauvia story in each, it didn't work out - there's just the one in the first issue (I could swear there was one more but I can't find it).  

There is also a Moreauvia novel out there in the world, available on Amazon or where ever fine books are sold.

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