Te'Otel Sharo Organization in Morado | World Anvil
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Te'Otel Sharo (Tey-Oh-Te-Shah-Row)

"The Te'Otel Sharo are our gods. Between the 8 of them, they govern our truths, stories, lives, and everything about them. They are what connects us."
  The Te'Otel Sharo refers to the Sharo'Ka's Pantheon. They are the 8 deities who represent paradoxical beliefs. Though the 8 of them are always worshiped, each of them provides an integral service and role to the daily Sharo'Ka lives. As such, temples, shrines, and festivals celebrate them all in complimentary (albeit not always equal) measure.   They are as follows:   The One who is Two, of the Above and Below - The East   The Serpent of Lore, of what is Known and Unknown. - The West   The Guardian of Fire, Sharo of Passion and Prudence - The North East   The Quiet Earth, Sharo of Plenty and Scarcity - The South East   The Matron of Sky, Sharo of Freedom and Form - The North West   The Keeper of Water, Sharo of Kindness and Cruelty - The South West   The Dark Reaper, Sharo of Life and Death - The South   The Light Adjudicator, Sharo of Punishment and Mercy - The North
Religious, Pantheon
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