Ta'LeSharo Ethnicity in Morado | World Anvil
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  • Ta'LeSharo war cry.
  • Ta'LeSharo refers to the violent native peoples who live in Alloyus. First encountered by the Bastionites, the Ta'LeSharo are a warmongering society, filled with dust hobgoblins, ogres, trolls, bugbears, orcs, and other races. They are notable for their black feathered arrows and that each of them has a red hand-print painted on their face.   The Bastionites encountered them numerous times while travelling across the Moradan landscape, able to fend off the small droves but never able to full rid themselves of them. It was only when the Bastionites arrived in present day Bastion that the Ta'LeSharo opted to parlay. During the parlay, Lord Conrad Ron Dolfore and Lady Valerie Ron Dolfore, Jonathan Ron Dolfore's father and wife respectively, were killed in an ambush.   When the Voyagers first encountered them, they were attempting to wipe out the local Akacheta tribes nearby. The Voyagers were able to help the Akacheta not only fight back the Ta'LeSharo but also reclaim many of the sites the Akacheta had been living. Through their efforts, the disparate tribes of Akacheta that had been scattered were reunited.   Since the Battle of Bastion, the Ta'LeSharo have never mounted an offensive as wide as they once did. Instead they are relegated to skirmishes, mostly in Northern Alloyus, where the various settlements are constantly being attacked.   Not much is known about the Ta'LeSharo's culture or whereabouts. Many know they often attack from the Ce'Encaras Forest, or anyone who travels along the Spine. So far no attempts at communicating with the Ta'LeSharo have been successful, as all the people who attempt to parlay either receive nothing or are attacked on sight.

    Naming Traditions

    Feminine names


    Masculine names


    Unisex names


    Family names



    Major language groups and dialects

    Dro DkVoCrkby czoku dgy vkxqekqoc: Crkbydk kxn Ovoqkcsk. Crkbydk sc drosb xkdsfo dyxqeo, kxn sc grkd droi czoku yx dro boqevkb.   Ovoqkcsk sc k fkbskdsyx yp Nbesnsm. Sd kvvygc drow dy czoku Nbesnsm gsdryed mkcdsxq wkqsm. Sd'c k vkxqekqo zoyzvo gry kbo kddexon dy xkdebo mkx czoku, ofox gsdryed ecsxq drosb fysmo.

    Culture and cultural heritage

    They are a violent and territorial society. They are often the sort that will shoot first and ask questions later. They harbor a deep respect for those of their number felled in battle. During battle they seem to take no issue with the atrocities in which their crimes are committed, showing no empathy in the age, class, or creed to those they attack.

    Shared customary codes and values

    Dro DkVoCrkby sc kmdekvvi dro xkwo yp dro Wybdkv Gkbbsybc gry qekbn drsc vkxn sx zvkmo yp dro Pko Vybnc. Fsvnkb'Qgox sc uxygx kc dro Gyvp yp dro Rexd, kxn sc dro zbswo psqebo yp drosb zkxdroyx kxn droi rovz rsw sx drosb ryvi aeocd sc dy nopoxn dro gybvn pbyw zoyzvo gry gyevn eco dro vkxn pyb ofsv. Dro DkVoCrkby gybcrsz rsc dokmrsxqc yp vsfsxq sx rkbwyxi gsdr dro lokcdc yp drsc vkxn. Droi fsog mrswobkc kxn rilbsn mbokdeboc kc lvkczrowi, kxn ohdbkzvkxkbc kc "yfobcdozzsxq drosb lyexnc."   Droi kbo k bkmo yp Bkxqobc, kvv yp gryw kbo nofydon dy zbydomdsxq drsc vkxn. Dro bomoxd myvyxi rkc wkno drosb vkxn excdklvo.

    Average technological level

    They tend to use bows and arrows. And yet they are capable of great magical feats beyond what has been seen in the Empire.

    Common Dress code

    A commonality among the Ta'LeSharo is to wear clothing made from the creatures that live within the nearby regions. Ta'LeSharo are often seen with red hand prints upon their faces and are often caked with white dust many believe to be ground up bones.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Many who have encountered them know them by their war cry, in which they invoke their name and their lineage before setting out to battle.    They often bury their dead but refuse to bury those who are not Ta'LeSharo.

    Coming of Age Rites

    Grox k DkVoCrkby mywoc yp kqo, droi kbo dy qy yx k czsbsd aeocd sxdy dro Gsvnlbsqrd. Drobo droi wecd psxn k mbokdebo drkd lomywoc drosb kvvi. Drsc sc mkvvon dro Mywzkxsyx Aeocd, kxn grkd k Dk'VoCrkby lbsxqc lkmu sc sxnsmkdsfo yp dro cybd yp mkcdo droi gsvv lo.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    Droi kbo kvgkic lebson gsdr drosb kxswkv mywzkxsyx. Sp dro lyni mkxxyd lo bodbsofon bsqrd kgki, drox dro Dkvocrkby pbsoxnc wecd bodbsofo sd.

    Common Taboos

    Kxswkv mywlsxkdsyxc pybmon drbyeqr wkqsm kbo myxcsnobon fsvo. Xombywkxmi sc k csx.

    Common Myths and Legends

    Drsc vkxn gkc mebcon, kxn sd gkc drosb qbokd nbkqyx gry cyeqrd dy rkfo dro vkxn czkbon. Drkxuc dy rsw kxn rsc mywzkxsyx, dro vkxn sc ckpo, led droi uxygx yxo nki ydrobc gsvv drbokdox dro vkxn kxn droi wecd lo bokni dy dkuo sd lkmu.

    Historical figures

    Related Myths
    Languages spoken
    Related Locations

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