The Burning Lands Geographic Location in Morad | World Anvil
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The Burning Lands

The Alu'Aute Elves were blessed by Ozeer, the Aquatic Saint, for their devotion to her after the elder red dragon Xyndrax, Lord of Red, torched their homelands. The elves unwavering devotion after such a devastation proved to Ozeer that these elves were extraordinary and she blessed their homeland with ever-flowing water. This turned the burning desert into a prosperous swamp. However, when Xyndrax found out about this divine intervention, he went to prove he was above even the Gods. When the Lord of Red returned, even his ancient dragon magic was not enough to pierce the protective veil of Melora's Saint of the Sea. Enraged, he turned his focus to the lands around Alu'Aute and engulfed it in a constant flame. Now the Alu'Aute have scattered temples to their patron saint across the swampland. Priests of Ozeer have been given the knowledge of water magic allowing them to summon water elementals. The other Elves train powerful warriors whose combat abilities are enhanced by the water elementals. Alu'Autans take the dangerous journey out of the Burning Lands to try and reach the other civilizations of Emeria for aide.   The Burning Lands also holds The Source. The Source is the access point to all Arcane magic on The Primelands. While Moradin was creating Morad, he imbued each continent with one of the four powers of the planes. Tandris was given access to the Arcane, Diozan was given access to the Psionic, @Zeferon was given access to the Divine, and Anor was given access to the Primal.


The Burning Lands used to be an open plains with scattered trees and many tribes. After the burning of Xyndrax, the area is completely uninhabitable for most living things, with the exception of the Elven haven. Those that do roam this desolate wasteland have an affinity for fire, or an innate connection to it. Any livable qualities that the land possessed have since been destroyed.


The Burning Lands used to house most of the Elves on Tandris, due to it's proximity to the Woad in the Walking Woods. Due to adventurers stealing his horde and killing his offspring in Diozan, Xyndrax had to relocate. He flew across the Biss and Saarton Seas until he landed on the edge of the Hedon Peaks. While he was gathering new treasures, the Elves of the region found him and, determined to not be hunted again, he took preemptive action against them. Xyndrax spent the next few weeks burning everything west of the Walking Woods, turning it into the Burning Lands of today.
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