Lithai Shroomy Character in Mohn | World Anvil

Lithai Shroomy

Lithai must be foreign and talk foreign. Maybe talk in the third person, or the second like Gollum does.Lithai is dead tired of being Chickee's bodyguard and wants to go back to her grove. Though secretly she likes the freedom, she has nowadays. She will prove more helpful in the 2nd half of the book.     Lithai loves treats, namely poisonous mushrooms, and Chickee goes out and finds them for her. She will search for them. She has her trusty mushroom picking gloves in her bag. Sometimes she has to make up stories to others about why she's picking poisonous mushrooms. In this scene we will introduce Lithai, who will pop up out of thin air. She will make some rude statement to Chickee.   Lithai says she wants to go back to her grove, though she knows in her heart she can't and doesn't want to. She doesn't like Whipples. She tells Chickee every time. She speaks backwards sometimes, and other times she is the most logical creature on the planet.   What does she want, though? That's the question....She is devoted to Dr. Prudence. Lithai never calls her Chickee. She wished Chickee listened to her. She doesn't like how flighty the hen is. Her aspiration is to be taken seriously. In the end, everything Lithai says will come to pass. She is Chickee's dearest possession, but neither realizes it. When your characters will achieve their intention or encounter some type of opposition.   She will warn chickee about bad dreams and what they can mean. Lithai knows of the T'iacha very well and warns of an unknown danger at the corners of her eyes. She will warn her about Whipples (Whipples is the only one who can save Chickee in many ways.) Chickee doesn't take much seriously in the beginning of the book. She is adrift at this point in her life. The little fae will let the audience know why she is here. She is the light of Alberetha "The White Rose." Alberetha is the leader of her shard, a demi-queen of the fae.   Whether the intention makes sense to your plot She is vital to the plot. In the beginning shes more of a showpiece, a secret friend only Jellybean can see. However, when the time comes to reveal the underlying world to Eddie, the tone changes. Mr Whipples remains incognito, but Lithai reveals herself to the little frog. She is Chickee's primary defender and has a series of soft magic to aid in that pursuit. (I need to determine that magic-WA). She has limited foresight and has a truly special gift of true seeing. She can see invisible or hidden creatures or items, Mr. Whipples doesn't have this ability. She will keep the feller goons at bay with her magic. The t'iacha are a little beyond her abilities. Lithai talks strangely, a little like Yoda and she often refers to herself in the 3rd person. Everyone but Jellybean can't see or hear her. Strange thing about fae're. They live in 2 dimensions that Chickee knows of, their own 'shard' and the 'fishbowl.' That gives the ability to be invisible in the fishbowl. Chickeehas the ability to see them. The fae are plentiful in certain areas of the hen's planet. Mostly in glens or pristine wilderness. Jellybean believed the existence of the fae. That's why Lithai thinks Beanie can see her. But most people think of the fae as a child's tales and are laughable.   Lithai is older and far more wise than Chickee gives her credit for. Chickee wants her as a freind but she needs her as an advisor. Chickee has to take Lithai seriously and not see her as the minor fae mushroom creature Lithai was when the trio met each other so many years ago. Lithai loves Chickee but the little fae is frustrated with her charge because she barely listens to her.


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