Morknar Mentoring

And so the Wise should raise and teach the young, put them on the path of knowledge and science and decide who should be a thinker, and who should be a worker.
    Every young Morknar leaves its mother at the age of 3, to live for the double amount of years with a mentor. Kids will be taught how to read and write, how nature and the world works, basic mathematics and survival skills.   During all this time, the mentor will be evaluating the child before sorting him into either the High-Morknars if he is judged capable, or into the Low-Morknars if he isn't judged worthy.   Highs will stay a bit longer with their mentor and then follow their studies in Universities and will either become leaders, researchers or engineers. They often cumulate many of the previous functions.   Lows will be taught a manual job of their choice by joining an older Low Morknar and then will be free to start their own business or to stay with their new teacher.  

Mentors and parents

Biologic parents usually never see their child before a long time after they left for the mentoring. Their duty was to give birth to the child, which is done, and therefore never really get attached to their children.   Sometimes, parents get to be the mentor of their child, especially if they live far away from other Morknar communities. If that's the case, adults will just take it as a regular mentor duty and will consider their child as their pupil without any problem.   For Highs, Mentors are their real parents. They are the one who taught them all the basics and fundamentals they know and who helped them to make their first steps in the world. It isn't uncommon for former pupils to stay in contact with their old mentors. When they happen to share the same passion, mentors and pupils often become co-researchers, never without sparks of rivalry that only make their work more passioning.   Lows tend to find a parental figure in their job masters. Sadly, mentors nearly always get disinterested in Low pupils, and will instead go back to their studies. This is often a rough time for these children, and their future well being depend on the kindness of their new teachers.  

Mentoring rites

During their time as a pupil, young Morknars will have to do several pieces of research on given subjects and supports adapted to their current age throughout their six years.  

Nature observations

On their first years of studies, pupils will mostly be observing nature and will be asked to list a few things about something basic. The best example is fire. A child would be introduced to the different usages of fire, and after a while, it would have to list and explain them to its mentor.


Children are taught how to navigate by looking at the sun's position, how to read a map, or how to use the stars to find their way back to somewhere.   One of the trials they often get is this. They are blindfolded and taken far away from their homelands, and have to get somewhere by using only a map and their environment. Their mentor stays with them during the whole challenge, but aren't allowed to give them the slightest hint.
We are twenty kilometers away from Valrant, you can do it. And do not give me that look, I am not the one facing a trial. Careful now, you already lost two minutes.

Wildlife sketches

Another popular rite that is loved by pupils is the Wildlife sketches. They start by learning everything about a given species. Growth, diet, behavior... Once they know enough, they will have to draw a few illustrated notes about the animal in question.

Thesis analysis

Old pupils are given simple thesis or science books that they have to read and study in detail. The subject will generally be science or technology.   Once again, they have to prepare a report that they will read to their masters that will judge its quality.

Runes studies

The most important part of the tests pupils have to pass is certainly the ones about runes. Magic has always been and still is the principal research subject of Morknars. While students are not expected to actually perform the subtle and difficult art of carving a rune onto an object, they have to understand the basics and be able to decipher the most common ones.      


Cover image: by Happy


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