Hizri Jankrud Character in Mythrite | World Anvil

Hizri Jankrud

Before reaching the boomtown of Mythrite, Hizri endured a life of hardship as a beggar in Baldur’s Gate. Since childhood, he had followed his parents around town playing folk songs, performing odd jobs, and even theft just to earn a few coins. The work mattered little to Hizri, for every little coin ensured his family lived another day. However, his parents became gravely ill one year. Without money to purchase the proper medicine, Hizri could do nothing but watch their souls pass on. At the age of 19, when word reached the city of the fortunes to be found in Mythrite, Hizri was easily persuaded to set out for the town and begin a new life.    Penniless and alone, he marched on towards Mythrite in the hopes his luck would turn around in the fabled city. Hizri quickly realized upon arrival that Mythrite would be no different than life in Baldur’s Gate. Mining the town’s precious ore required but the hardiest of pickaxes to obtain even slivers of the ore, and Hizri hadn’t a coin to his name to afford the equipment nor the supplies necessary for treks into the Greypeak Mountains. Instead, Hizri was forced to make ends meet in the service of the Loagrann Mining Guild. Under the supervision of a greedy tycoon looking to expand his wealth in Mythrite, Hizri labored long hours for minimum pay in the sweltering mines alongside miners who likewise had lost everything attempting to strike it rich. A year later and Hizri was at his limit. After a heated dispute with the tycoon over a pay raise, Hizri murdered the tycoon in a fit of rage. With Mythrite lacking any authority figures or penal system, Hizri was free from punishment. Yet, someone needed to give the Loagrann Miners a paycheck each week. Seizing his chance, Hizri took over the guild as it’s new owner.   A tall figure, imposing chin, and curled brown hair can be found at the Loagrann Miners’ headquarters in Eronia as they look out to the bustling streets, flipping a coin in between their fingers. Under Hizri’s leadership, the Loagrann Miners’ sour reputation has not improved much. Upon assuming leadership, Hizri learned the tycoon was struggling to make a profit on the guild’s operations selling Mythrite to the merchants. The loss of his family has skewed Hizri’s mind to think of his guild as family. Yet, the poor pay-rate and miserable working conditions have made the guild’s workers irritable towards Hizri. He believes keeping them employed under his thumb will keep them from the depths of depravity his life once endured. It is more like the workers have no choice but to remain employed under Hizri with little hope for other monetary prospects in Mythrite. Hizri struggles to maintain control over the guild as his capital shrinks, even accepting loans from a mysterious noble of the Lords' Alliance. The noble never asks for anything in return strangely, but Hizri fears it is only a matter of time before his debt must be paid. He faces a constant struggle of keeping his “family” employed, and himself off the streets like the beggar he once was.

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