Caravan Guard Profession in Mythrite | World Anvil

Caravan Guard

The Caravan Guard is comprised of a few hundred guards and a few dozen guard captains responsible for organizing the daily trips to the Mythrite mines. Being a caravan guard is a dangerous job as they must scout the rugged wilderness that lies beyond Mythrite's walls and clear out any wild animals or roving bands of goblins, orcs, bugbears and other hostile creatures so the miners may make safe passage.   The caravan guard is largely made up of ex-soldiers from any number of different armies, ex-convicts, and mercenaries. The guard captains are constantly recruiting as many caravan guards defect after they get their weekly wage. So far, the guards have had little trouble maintaining the size of the guard as the minimum requirement for enlistment is low and the number of people arriving in Mythrite with few useful skills is high.   The Caravan Guard is housed at the Caravan Camp in the northern part of the town.

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