Aether Material in Miscellaneous creations | World Anvil


Make no mistake, it will become more unstable over time and who knows what horrors that will bring.
— Scientist working in Aether refinement

In order to explain aether it is necessary to explain its endless cycle. At the beginning it was evenly spread throughout the universe, spread so thin it was undetectable. Being affected by gravity it slowly amassed in and around stars and planets until some creatures were able to affect it a little, the results of which were called "magic".

As time went on it allowed for ever more spectacular magic, until the aether became so concentrated that it became dangerous to control without biological adoptions. The other effect that this had was that it could now be found in liquid state in biological creatures. This could be used to fuel machines, sending progress ever forward, until the aether finally gets dense enough to become solid. Solid aether can only be used for the most energy consuming tasks, such as faster than light speed travel.


Physical & Chemical Properties

The properties of aether depend heavily upon when in the cycle it is observed, but as a guideline it can be said that it gets more volatile as it is compressed, allowing for more energetic results, but at a greater risk of catastrophic loss of control. It must be noted that it could be ingested even in liquid form with our ill effects as long as the creature does not try to draw on its power. If it does, biological adaptions are necessary in order to prevent it from destroying the body and everything around it.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

No matter the time it is used it is the source of progress, power and conflict. Most who have lived throughout the ages have look upon it with reverence.

colourless (gas), dark blue (solid)

This article is written for a private world and will be moved back there after summer camp 2020.


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