Mirthaen Currency in Mirthae | World Anvil

Mirthaen Currency

by ArtisticArmoury
  Officially, the entirety of Mirthae accepts coins with this specific design as currency. There is an older version of this coin that’s no longer used, same size and shape just without the designs. Technically, shop keepers are recommended to not accept the older coins as it’s not accepted for tax payments, but many do for its history dating back to just before the first ivierae immigrating.   Though they have this currency, many places go by a barter system and will accept other things for trade such as gems, services, and food for example. There’s no specific exchange rate between various items, except for gold bars. As a regular gold coin is one troy ounce, a gold bar of multiple troy ounces is equal to multiple gold coins of the same weight. Despite the government not taking ancient coins, they will accept gold bars to be used to make more coins.   There did used to exist other coins made from other metals, but most people found it inconvenient, and now are just for people to collect.   That said, it’s not a requirement to accept gold coins as payment. There are a couple countries that don’t use the official currency whatsoever, and live on a basis from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Purple from the countries aren’t exempt from tax however, but made an arrangement to allow the trade of surplus crops. In Shiza, the Queen fully pays off everyone’s taxes with her pay. In Fzalder, there’s an annual meeting between all dukes and lords with the Queen to discuss how much of the taxes needs to be collect and who can provide what. Lord Cassius often doesn’t have much surplus to trade, so he pays in coin.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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