Androcas University of Higher Mysteries Organization in Mirrarium | World Anvil

Androcas University of Higher Mysteries

The Androcas University of Higher Mysteries was founded for the most learned minds to come together to research and teach physics and metaphysics. Although it is still a renowned institution for those particular fields, it has expanded to include colleges on any of a number of topics including (shudders) humanities.   Although the founders envisioned noble intent, ritual ceremony, and much gravitas, the current traditions of the university are a parody of such pomp. The rituals are still there, and mostly in the same structure, but they have been expanded to be even more unnecessarily loquacious and obtuse. The more profound-sounding without actually meaning anything (or meaning something trivial or even silly), the better.   The rituals are still 'taken seriously' by students and faculty, insofar as they follow them in all seriousness ironically. The whole thing is kind of a deadpan humor. For instance, the nickname that students and alumni use for their alma mater is 'Old Ham', but they maintain a straight face while saying it, and if prompted what it stands for, they say "Androcas University of Higher Mysteries" but if pressed about why that should turn into "Old Ham" they will act like they don't understand why it wouldn't.  

Areas of Study

Anthrogenics and Anthropology
Historical Alchemy
Comparative Metaphysics
Comparative Religion
Goetic Engineering
Metaphilosophy (Applied and Theoretical)
Metaphysics (Applied and Theoretical)
Psychology (Applied and Theoretical)
Sociology (Applied and Theoretical)
Theoretical Goetia
Theurgy (Pure)
Theurgic Engineering
Thuamaturgical Engineering
Witchcraft and Hedge Magic
  ... and more boring mundane things like regular math, physics, engineering, and yes, even humanities.  


Debate Team
School Newsletter
Ring Hockey

Porcos habeat alas

Educational, University
Alternative Names
Old Ham


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