Thubanian Species in Mirium Dynus | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Typically various ranges of humanoid, Thubanians have four limbs—two legs and arms—with their hair, neck, shoulders, and the underside of their arms covered in feathers. Their muscles are dense and their bones mostly hollow. They have an extra five ribs to accommodate their larger lungs, and a larger, stronger heart to pump blood quicker and more effectively to their extremities.   Very rarely do Thubanians range in human-like colors, instead they are usually bright, vibrant colors, their skin a darker shade of their feathers, with painted markings to emphasize the sharp features of their adult faces. Their thin, almost beady eyes hold no pupil, just pure solid color.

Biological Traits

Thubanians live for an extremely long life of over 10,000 years, showing no sign of age except in their sharper features over time. They tend to run tall and willowy; if you find a Thubanian that is short, without the rounded features of a child, it means that something went wrong when they were born, or that they have a disease of some sort. As an elder, the closer they get to death, the more bird-like their bodies become, covered in feathers, their nose changing to be more beak-like, and losing their humanoid feet and hands to gain claws. When they reach a certain age after that, their forms will begin to break down, shimmering and glittering, becoming hotter. Eventually, they will burst into flame, the strongest of them flying out of the atmosphere and to become a comet, traveling until their death around 3,000 years later.

Ecology and Habitats

Thubanians prefer hot, dry climates, high in the air with the wind blowing. Usually hot mountain ranges or near volcanos. They will carve out a place if there is none immediately available or defensible, and will then drape their new home with items special to them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thubanians are mostly carnivorous, preferring to eat small game like rabbit, birds, foxes, and other such creatures. They will usually lie in wait on high hilltops, watching for such prey, and then swooping down when they least expect it. They don’t keep foot in any sort of storage, as the animals they hunt are small enough for singular meals, and what leftovers there are, are easily passed down to those who were unsuccessful in their hunts. Food is shared.

Biological Cycle

During the windier season on Thubanian planets, Thubanians shed their feathers, molting and preparing for the hot season to come afterwards. During the hot season is when they are the most featherless, allowing their skin color to deepen as they soak up their sun’s rays.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically, they will form large family groups and stay together when a new child is hatched, but they will not stay together after that child passes a certain age. They will start to separate, each member keeping a distance in accordance with what they are doing in their life. Each group consists of a elder pair of any sex at the top, giving their wisdom to the secondary pair who then spread that knowledge to the rest of the clan, who take care of the new hatchlings.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It is famously known throughout the galaxy that Thubanians hold a different type of energy in their blood, which is known as Odic Energy for its connection to their life force and aura. Like the plates of the Ooarens of the Situla Delta, Thubanian blood and ending life cycle are a coveted resource for what is left behind after their death. If a dying comet that used to be a Thubanian ends up on land, crystallized Odic Energy forms from the ashes, hot and compressed.

Facial characteristics

When young, their features are all round and cute their feathers fluffy, like most birds. Here, besides the feathers, they look more human in face. However, that changes the older they get: their features sharpen, their nose hooked and almost beak-like if not without the actual use of it. Their eyes start to thin and begin to slant, becoming beady in the process.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Thubanians tend to congregate in the hotter, airier regions of a planet rather than in the lower, colder regions. If you don’t find them in the midst of a forest of fire, you’ll usually find them high in the cliffs, making their nests there like normal birds.

Average Intelligence

A Thubanian’s life cycle is dedicated to learning, with their reincarnation cycles only happening if one has more to learn at their death.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Thubanian eyes are extraordinarily far-seeing, usually with a clarity similar to eagles, especially when coupled with their ability to see the shimmer of heat signatures during the day time, which glitter in daylight. However, they are unable to see well in the dark—they easily compare to a human’s vision in this case. Their hearing is also sensitive, though not as much as their eyesight, and their taste follows suit. Where they lack in sensitivity, they give to touch, in which they are always doing; they are able to sense the basic emotions of those they have contact with. A distinct type of touch-empathy, which, for some, expands into telepathy.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A Thubanian’s true name is a song, filled with trilling bird sounds that only another Thubanian can translate. In a Thubanian’s life, they can have four names.   All newly born children—typically identified by their rounded features—only go by the moniker of “mix’hm’qurl” or “hatchling” by adults. When getting the attention of each other, however, they trill, and the sound is individual to each child and known only to them and those nest mates. As they get older, the information remains that way, the names only known between them. This is their first name.   Their second and third names are actually their previous life’s childhood whistle, in which you remember in adulthood along with the rest of that life’s memories. A Thubanian also remembers the song of their adult name from that previous life, and will either choose to make a new name for themselves in this life—in which case, this new name is their fourth—or take up the mantle of the old.   If they choose their old life’s adult name, they will also go by that life’s childhood name, and will either tell that name to their current nest mates, or go back to those they grew up with previously.

Beauty Ideals

The sleeker the feathers, the brighter their color, the better and more attractive one Thubanian is to another. The straighter, more pronounced the nose is, the more it will gather positive attention. A clear voice and long, graceful limbs will garner the attraction of potential partners. Couple that with one’s agility during flight and the bright spark of their personal fire ability, and many will have their eye on that particular Thubanian.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Thubanian’s main language is X’tiwp (Zih-Tee-whip), a language based on whistles and trills much like birds.


Thubanians, or Kuwoguwj (“Firebird”) in their own language are a species long-lived, burning themselves out in the stars and then reincarnating into a new body with a similar mind, ready to continue learning in this new life.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Because of their long lives, they were apart of the quadrant long before anyone else had gained sentience. They traveled as per their traditions, bursting into Odic Energy all over the quadrant and leaving behind this rare power source—too arrogant or naive to assume that no one would see this material for the use it was.   Because of this, they were unprepared when the Wixiez from Loral Prime, great scientists in their own right, discovered the Odic Energy and began to experiment with it in their technology. When they realized that the pieces that they were finding were being depleted, they went out in search of more—and found the Thubanians. They befriended, and then betrayed, the firebirds when it came to light that they were the source of the Odic Energy.
Scientific Name
Phoenix Star Sapien
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Although tall and thin, their actual physique is filled with dense, strong muscle. They can easily lift many, many times their own size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A Thubanian will be filled to the brim with bright colors, almost intense enough to become neon, with their skin only a darker version of that color. Their hair does not conform to human norms, and although it begins as white, as they grow the color bleeds in from the root. Although some will have what could be termed as freckles, instead they are much like the LED freckles that Neo Terrans have, without the artifice. Any markings will usually be painted on, used to emphasize certain features.
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