Îzu Kesurja Tradition / Ritual in Mirios | World Anvil
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Îzu Kesurja

Îzu Kesurja

Îzu Kesurja or the Way of Perpetual Harmony, is a Niranni Religion (or Philosophy) which has driven their mindset in days past; although it is smaller, it has seen a revival in recent years with the return of the Ilsairi to power in some regions. It is syncretic to Niranni Religion and is encouraged by the Kirrentai.


Îzu Kesurja translates as the Way of Perpetual Harmony, with Kesu coming from continuing and Îzu denoting a way of thought; Îzu is related to cult. It has various names in other languages such as that of Anesari, where it is called Lyi Urjian; this means Fortress of Perpetual Harmony.


According to tradition, the way of thought was started by the philosophers nicknamed Sibharri Viare (Meaning Boundlessness Ways) and Anasin Tezan (Meaning Destiny of Life) who met on a summer day in the city of Sangemri before traveling together to the mountains in debate of life. They reconciled and made the way of perpetual harmony.

Main Tenets

Political Îzu Kesurja at its core is the idea that the nation is similar to that of a family unit and that the monarchs should be kind and benevolent; if the goodness of the ruler is not present, then it is the job of the people to uphold it through exiling the old ruler and putting a new one in place. In context of Empire, the Emperor holds a unique role in the ideology. The Emperor is unique as they are designated as the sole will of people due to their divine heritage under the lord of all heaven, Naru'anu'tara (Anetos).
To the academic and philospher, all things are about maintaining harmony and balance. Often, it is believed that man can upset nature and that man ought to maintain balance through all things.
In terms of daily life, the way of the laymen has been influenced primarily by the Anesari philosopher Anazin who laid out the Guide to Correctness, followed by Sibharri who laid out the Guide to Growth. After these two, many others would contribute until a great philosophy emerged. It is also believed that people should worship the patrons as they were once ancestors and help guide man on the right path.

Guide to Correctness

1. Respect the Elders; In a world of struggling, it is best to learn from the past.
2. Learning is the Key to Life; In a world of stagnancy, it is best to stay ever-learning.
3. Righteousness is through Benevolence; In a world of pain, it is best to alleviate the suffering of others.
4. Through Servitude, There is Freedom; in a world of unlimited choice, it is best to live a stable life.
5. Through Sacrifice, There is Prosperity; In a world where decisions must be made, it is best to commit ones that are best for all.

Guide to Growth

1. Encourage the Youth; Without the guiding hand of the farmer, the new seedlings cannot live to sprout.
2. Share your Mind; Without the collective waters of wisdom, others cannot hope to grow.
3. Endure; Without the endurance of it's bark, the tree could not hope to grow.
4. Respect the Layman; Without the roots, the flower cannot bloom.
5. There is Balance through Loss; Without the withering of a few seeds, the whole field cannot expect to blossom.


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