Protection Division Profession in Miria | World Anvil
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Protection Division

To Serve, Protect & Provide Safety

Each city has their own Protection Division Department. In this profession, the responsibilities of each official is to maintain peace and security within their post. If each act accordingly to their duty, the easier it is on all civilians to live their every day lives.



  • Must be at least age of eight-teen
  • Prove to be responsible
  • Pass the exam

Career Progression

One can become Favoured by the Chief of the Protection Division. A type of leadership that is below the Chief's rank, but higher than regular officers.

Payment & Reimbursement

Their job is easier than those of Gaurden, so naturally their pay is lower, but a little more than enough and are able to save some money.

Other Benefits

  • Status
  • Influence
  • Respect



Some have a task to be in secrecy, doing every day things so no one suspects them as being part of the Protection Division. This makes it easier to catch criminals.

Social Status

Good or bad, solely depending on the individual's intentions and reputation. Not all are bad and not all are good either. Some civilians who have good discernment can pin point virtue or vice.



Cube Balls

These are the size of the palm of a hand and are used by throwing the ball near the criminal at close proximity. The ball breaks and a transparent cube encases the perpetrator. With the captured inside, the cube takes flight and delivers them into the hands of the Protection Division Department to await their prison sentence.

Stun and Null Guns

One hand gun has both of these aspects and all it takes is a simple switch to stun the opposer or to nullify their magic ability. Sometimes both are necessary to use on one doing the crime.


Those that are stationed have to wear a suit to signify to others they are working, and anyone needing their assistance can ask them for help.
Administration / Management

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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